His work on obsessive forms of collecting in the paper "Collezionismo nelle diverse forme psicopatiche" (1893) anticipates the contemporary diagnostic criteria of hoarding disorder.[2]
When Benito Mussolini came to power in Italy, Mingazzini refused to sign allegiance to Fascism, thus risking deportation to Sardinia. He died on 3 December 1929 of a heart attack.
Associated eponyms
Mingazzini test: A manoeuvre deployed for finding latent pyramidal paresis of the legs.
Mingazzini's field: Anatomical region in front of the left lentiform nucleus where fibers from Broca's area join with the corresponding region in the contralateral hemisphere. Term coined by Swedish neurologist Salomon Eberhard Henschen (1847-1930).
Google Books Neurological Eponyms edited by Peter J. Koehler, George W. Bruyn, John M. S. Pearce