Gentzen was a student of Paul Bernays at the University of Göttingen. Bernays was fired as "non-Aryan" in April 1933 and therefore Hermann Weyl formally acted as his supervisor. Gentzen joined the Sturmabteilung in November 1933, although he was by no means compelled to do so.[1] Nevertheless, he kept in contact with Bernays until the beginning of the Second World War. In 1935, he corresponded with Abraham Fraenkel in Jerusalem and was implicated by the Nazi teachers' union as one who "keeps contacts to the Chosen People." In 1935 and 1936, Hermann Weyl, head of the Göttingen mathematics department in 1933 until his resignation under Nazi pressure, made strong efforts to bring him to the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton.
Gentzen was arrested during the citizens uprising against the occupying German forces on 5 May 1945. He, along with the rest of the staff of the German University in Prague were detained in a Soviet prison camp, where he died of starvation on 4 August 1945.[5][6]
One of Gentzen's papers had a second publication in the ideological Deutsche Mathematik that was founded by Ludwig Bieberbach who promoted "Aryan" mathematics.[7]
Gentzen proved the consistency of the Peano axioms in a paper published in 1936.[8] In his Habilitationsschrift, finished in 1939, he determined the proof-theoretical strength of Peano arithmetic. This was done by a direct proof of the unprovability of the principle of transfinite induction, used in his 1936 proof of consistency, within Peano arithmetic. The principle can, however, be expressed in arithmetic, so that a direct proof of Gödel's incompleteness theorem followed. Gödel used a coding procedure to construct an unprovable formula of arithmetic. Gentzen's proof was published in 1943 and marked the beginning of ordinal proof theory.
"Der Unendlichkeitsbegriff in der Mathematik. Vortrag, gehalten in Münster am 27. Juni 1936 am Institut von Heinrich Scholz" [Lecture held in Münster on 27 June 1936 at the institute of Heinrich Scholz]. Semester-Berichte Münster (in German): 65–80. 1936–1937.
"Unendlichkeitsbegriff und Widerspruchsfreiheit der Mathematik". Actualités scientifiques et industrielles. 535: 201–205. 1937.
"Die gegenwärtige Lage in der mathematischen Grundlagenforschung". Deutsche Mathematik. 3: 255–268. 1938.[9]
"Neue Fassung des Widerspruchsfreiheitsbeweises für die reine Zahlentheorie". Forschungen zur Logik und zur Grundlegung der Exakten Wissenschaften. 4: 19–44. 1938.[9]
Folta, Jaroslav; Šišma, Pavel. "Gerhard Karl Erich Gentzen". Department of Mathematics and Statistics of the Faculty of Science, Masaryk University (in Czech). Retrieved 11 November 2023.
Menzler-Trott, Eckart[in German] (1 August 2001). Gentzens Problem: Mathematische Logik im nationalsozialistischen Deutschland (in German). Basel, Switzerland: Birkhäuser Verlag. ISBN3-7643-6574-9.