This article gives an overview of the geomorphological division of Slovakia. It is ordered in a hierarchical form, belonging to the Alps-Himalaya System and to the sub-systems of the Carpathian Mountains and of the Pannonian Basin. These subsystems are subsequently divided into provinces, sub-provinces and areas.
Terminology (first Slovak, second English translation(s); see also: [1] (Slovak)):
oblasť = area
systém, sústava = system
(sub)provincia = (sub)province
nížina = lowland (0 - 200/300 m ASL)
vysočina = highland (above 200/300 m ASL)
rovina = flat (altitude difference app. 0 – 30 m)
pahorkatina = hills, downs (altitude difference app. 30 – 100/150 m)
Mazúr E., Lukniš M., Balatka B., Loučková J., Sládek J. (1986). Geomorfologické členenie SSR a ČSSR. Mapa mierky 1:500 000, Slovenská kartografia, SUGK, Bratislava.