Gannibal (ガンニバル, Gan'nibaru) is a 2022 Japanese folk horror television series based on the horror manga of the same name as written and illustrated by Masaaki Ninomiya. It stars Yuya Yagira, Riho Yoshioka and Show Kasamatsu as the lead cast. Set in Kuge, a Japanese fictional village, a police officer investigates the mysterious disappearance of his predecessor.[1] Unbeknownst to him, the place is inhabited with cannibals.[2]
The series was released on December 28, 2022[3] on Disney+ internationally and on Hulu in the United States.
On September 21, 2023, a second season was announced.[4][5]
Police officer Daigo Agawa transfers to a new post in the remote village of Kuge with his wife Yuki and daughter Mashiro. Upon meeting members of the Goto clan, he comes across an old woman's dead body. The family says she was attacked by a bear, but Daigo notices human bite mark in her wrist.
Gannibal was released internationally on December 28, 2022 on Disney+. On the same day, it was also released on Hulu.[6][7]
On September 21, 2023, a second season was announced.[4][5]
Disney said in a statement. “In season two, audiences will get to uncover more of the village’s horrifying secrets and discover if Agawa has what it takes to escape the impossible and bring the nefarious Goto family to justice.”