Destination Earth includes nine stages, each consisting of several "waves" of alien attackers and bonus waves. Most of the stages are planetary locations, like an Ancient EgyptianishMars, Metropolitan Earth, and Saturn. Some are non-planet astronomical objects like the moon or the sun. On the final stage, the player finds must battle on a "planetoid". The "waves" consist of three preset views denoted as ALPHA (1st person), DELTA (side scroller), and GAMMA (top view or original Galaga view).
If a tractor beam ship is destroyed, there is a chance that a cube will come out. If the player catches this cube, they will get a temporary tractor beam that can capture an enemy ship. Captured enemy ships will then act as wing-men for your fighter until destroyed by enemy fire, just as they do in Gaplus.
The Windows and PlayStation versions received "mixed" reviews according to the review aggregation website Metacritic.[5][6] Jeff Lundrigan of NextGen said of the latter version, "Despite the nostalgia factor, this seems to be aimed at the mass market, not the hardcore. As such, it's relatively simple and not that thrilling."[18]
^In GameFan's viewpoint of the PlayStation version, three critics gave it each a score of 70, 53, and 47.