His only extant own building is the Rogozhskoye Cemetery Belltower (1908–1913, structurally complete in 1909). An Old Believers legend says that it's only two bricks lower than Ivan the Great Bell Tower; actually, it is one meter lower than Ivan, i.e. 80 meters tall.[2] The belltower commemorates unlocking the altars of Old Believers after the 1905 Manifesto on religious tolerance.
^This section is based on Gornostaev's biography in "Builders of Moscow": Russian: "Москва начала века. Строители Москвы", М, О-Мастер, 2001 ISBN5-9207-0001-7 (Builders of Moscow), p.552-553
^Russian: "Московская церковь во имя св. Иоанна Лествичника в Кремле", www.pravoslavie.ru