Specialist in China and International relations of East Asia; Director of Strategy of Asia Centre, Paris.
François Godement (born June 14, 1949) is a French historian, specialist of China and international relations in East Asia. He is now a Professor in political science at Sciences Po and the Director for the strategy of Asia Centre, Paris.
François Godement is a graduate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure de la rue d'Ulm (Paris), he was a Harvard University postgraduate student, and he holds a Ph.D. in contemporary history. His research focuses on China’s foreign affairs, domestic factors of China’s strategic and international conceptions, compared politics in East Asia, integration process in Asia, security and international relations’ architecture in Asia.
Asia Centre, established in August 2005 by Godement and a team of research fellows and experts on contemporary Asia, is an independent research institute which conducts discussions and produces publications on the strategic and economic aspects of international relations as well as current political and social transformations in the Asia-Pacific region.
Renaissance de l'Asie, Odile Jacob, 1993
Communismes d'Asie , mort ou métamorphose ?, with Jean-Luc Domenach, Complexe, 1994
Dragon de feu, dragon de papier, l'Asie a-t-elle un avenir ?, Flammarion, 1998
Chine - États-Unis : méfiance et pragmatisme, La Documentation française, 2001