The plant genus Schelveria (Nees, 1827; family Scrophulariaceae) is probably named after him, although its etymology is seemingly unknown.[3]
Published works
Early on, he maintained an interest in entomology, and published a number of treatises on the subject in Rudolf Wiedemann's Archiv für Zoologie und Zootomie. In 1798 he was the author of a book on the sense organs of insects and worms, titled Versuch einer Naturgeschichte der Sinneswerkzeuge bei den Insecten und Würmern.[2] In the areas of nature philosophy, medicine and botany, he published the following:
Elementarlehre der organischen Natur, first part Organomie, 1800 – Elementary instruction on organic nature; organomics.
Philosophie der Medizin, 1809 – The philosophy of medicine.
Kritik der Lehre von den Geschlechtern der Pflanze, (1812, two sequels in 1814 and 1823) – Criticism of the doctrine on the sexes of plants.
Von der Sexualität der Planzen: Studien (with August Wilhelm Henschel) 1820 – On the sexuality of plants.
Lebens- und Formgeschichte der Pflanzenwelt (volume 1), 1822 – Life and form history of the plant world.[4]