Fox News Watch featured a panel composed of two conservatives and two liberals, moderated by Scott. Similar in premise to CNN's Reliable Sources, the panel discussed how the media portrayed certain news stories from the previous week. Panelists also discussed the overall condition of the American news media, such as the newspapers, cable news networks, broadcast networks, and other popular news outlets.
Burns' contract was not renewed and expired in Spring 2008, reportedly saying in an interview that, "Fox News has told me that my contract will be terminated within the next 2 months, perhaps sooner. I was given no reason. It certainly has nothing to do with ratings; the last episode of Fox News Watch was the second highest-rated weekend show on all 3 cable news networks, and the program has almost been in the top 4 or 5. I have no theory, none, why they are getting rid of me. Although I heard rumors, I have never heard reasons." Fox News responded by saying Burns' contract was a contributor agreement rather than a talent agreement.[1] Burns was replaced by Jon Scott.
The final Fox News Watch program aired on August 31, 2013.
Left-wing media critics and bloggers argued that Fox News Watch perpetuated the myth of liberal bias in the mainstream media, while ignoring conservative bias by Fox News.[3][4]Fox News Watch has been accused of ignoring or dismissing controversies concerning Fox News' parent company, News Corporation, such as when an outtake was leaked online showing the program's panelists refusing to discuss News Corp's phone hacking scandal.[5][6] However, the issue was later discussed in-depth (and without further refusal) during a broadcast on July 16, 2011.[7]