The former Reidsville High School, also known as Reidsville Junior High School and Reidsville Middle School, is a historic school building located at Reidsville, Rockingham County, North Carolina. It was designed by architect Willard C. Northup and built in 1923. It is a three-story, L-shaped, brick building with a combination of
Colonial and Classical Revival stylistic features. A matching one-bay addition was built in 1941. It features a two-story tetrastyle portico of Tuscan order columns and terra cotta trim. It ceased use as a high school in 1960, with the construction of Reidsville High School and the building closed permanently as a school in 1980.[2]
^Laura A. W. Phillips (July 1993). "Reidsville High School, Former"(pdf). National Register of Historic Places - Nomination and Inventory. North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office. Retrieved 2015-02-01.