Forestry Innovation Investment

Forestry Innovation Investment Ltd.
Company typeCrown Corporation
FoundedMarch 2003
Area served
Key people
Michael Loseth, President and CEO
ServicesMarketing, Research

Forestry Innovation Investment Ltd. (FII) is a provincial government funded company of the province of British Columbia, Canada.

As a Crown agency of the B.C. Government, FII is focused on expanding opportunities for B.C. forest products and ensuring B.C.’s forest sector continues to grow and prosper, by:

  • Promoting the merits of B.C.’s forest practices and products
  • Expanding global markets
  • Advancing innovation and leadership in wood use


  • Market Initiatives
  • Market Outreach
  • Wood First

Market Initiatives

The Market Initiatives program encourages the development of export markets and new market segments, particularly in fast-growing Asian economies. This helps to diversify the sector, reduce market risk and open new opportunities in higher-value segments of the forest economy. Market Initiatives also focuses on growing market segments in North America, such as the multi-family and mass timber/tall wood and value-added sectors.

Market Outreach

The Market Outreach program expands opportunities for B.C. forest products by positioning wood as an environmentally friendly, preferred building material and by highlighting B.C. as a reliable supplier of quality products from sustainably managed forests. Through providing credible, fact-based information, FII ensures that audiences in B.C. and globally understand that using wood from B.C.’s sustainably managed forests can help to address climate change and advance low-carbon innovation.

Wood First

The Wood First program collaborates with B.C.’s design and construction industries and government to advance wood construction technologies and expertise in B.C. FII then leverages this leadership to promote B.C. internationally as a leading source of technology, products and expertise for the use of wood in construction, interior design and daily living.


FII is governed by a Board of Directors that is accountable to the B.C. Minister of Jobs, Economic Development and Innovation. The Minister provides direction to the Board through the issuing of a Mandate Letter. The Board is responsible for appointing the Chief Executive Officer and for overseeing FII's policies, priorities and strategies.

FII operates out of offices in Vancouver, with subsidiary offices in China, India and Vietnam.


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