Football Under Cover is a documentary directed Ayat Najafi and David Assmann about the real soccer game between the Iranian women’s international football (soccer) team and an amateur female soccer team from Berlin, BSV AL-Dersimspor. Marlene, a member of the Berlin team learns about the Iranian female national team through an Iranian friend named Ayat. From this point on, Ayat and Marlene take on the difficult task of organizing a soccer match between the two teams. Due to the strict rules of Iranian government and society, the Iranian women’s team had never played a game against another team before. Therefore, Marlene convinces her team to travel to Iran with her to help change this.
Marlene travels to Tehran, Iran to help get things organized along with Ayat and another female member of the Iranian team; however, they run into challenges along the way. These challenges include not being able to find a sponsor, not being able to receive visas, difficulty in finding long-sleeved jerseys and pants for the female athletes to wear in order to abide by the Iranian dress code for women, troubles with cooperation between embassies, lack of willingness to advertise the match, among other difficulties. However, the team from Berlin was able to make it to Iran to play the game, under cover. All female participants had to abide by Iranian rules and stay covered during play. Despite political challenges, cultural differences, and other struggles, the love for soccer brings these two teams together to create a historical event in Iranian history as well as break taboos within their society.