Foetus is a solo musical project of Australian musician JG Thirlwell.[1] The project has had many similar names, each including the word 'Foetus'.note The "members" of the project are aliases of Thirlwell; they include Frank Want, Phillip Toss, and Clint Ruin. Thirlwell occasionally collaborates with other artists, but does not consider them to be members of Foetus.
In 1981, after the breakup of PragVEC, Thirlwell started his own solo music project under the name of 'Foetus Under Glass'. After the album Thaw, Thirlwell stopped changing the name; thereafter it remained simply 'Foetus'.
All full-length Foetus album titles are four-letter, one-syllable words, often with multiple connotations.[1]
The artwork of Foetus releases shows a deliberate progression of colour: the earliest releases are black-and-white, with the addition of red on the Deaf album, and further addition of yellow on Nail. Full-colour art was introduced on Gash.[2] Beginning with Flow, the artwork of primary albums reverted to black/white/red, although other releases continue in full colour.
^aFoetus in Your Bed (1981), You've Got Foetus on Your Breath (1981), Jim Foetus and the Transvestites from Hell (1983), Scraping Foetus Off the Wheel (1984), The Foetus of Excellence (1985),[3]Foetus Über Alles (1985), Foetus Flesh (1985), Foetus on the Beach (1985), Foetus Interruptus (1988), Foetus Eruptus (1989), Foetus (1995), The Foetus Symphony Orchestra (1997), Foetus Under Glass, Phillip & His Foetus Vibrations, Foetus Over Frisco, Foetus Art Terrorism, Foetus Über Frisco, The Foetus All Nude Revue, Foetus, Inc., Foetus Corruptus, Foetus in Excelsis Corruptus Deluxe