Flying the Feathered Edge: The Bob Hoover Project is a 2014 independent documentary film about American aviator Bob Hoover. The film was produced, written and directed by aviation filmmaker Kim Furst.[1][2]
Hoover expressed great satisfaction for the film.[6]
The documentary contains footage from Hoover's personal collections, online and physical archives as well as from a variety of other sources.[5]
Screenings and reception
The first official screening of the completed film was a private showing during the 2014 EAA AirVenture Oshkosh convention, attended by then 92-year-old Hoover.[7][1]
The film premiered at the Rhode Island International Film Festival, winning the "Grand Prize, Soldiers and Sacrifice Award".[8] Other festival screenings included the Breckenridge International Film Festival ("Audience Award"),[9] Napa Valley Film Festival ("Best Doc Competition"),[10] Houston WorldFest ("Grand Jury Prize"),[11] and DocUTAH.[12]
Producer, writer and director Kim Furst was awarded the 13th Annual Combs Gates Award for the film through the National Aviation Hall of Fame, and was presented a $20,000 award on November 18 at the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) 68th Annual Meeting & Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada.[14]