Episode |
Title |
Air date
1 | "Hi! I'm Mary Bell" (Japanese: こんにちは! 私マリーベル) | February 3, 1992 (1992-02-03) |
2 | "The Neighbor Hates Flowers" (Japanese: お隣さんは花嫌い) | February 10, 1992 (1992-02-10) |
3 | "Hello, Graffiti Paradise!" (Japanese: >らく書き天国こんにちは) | February 17, 1992 (1992-02-17) |
4 | "Ken Gets His Talent from Papa! (You Are Really My Son, Ken!)" (Japanese: やっぱりケンはパパの子だ) | February 24, 1992 (1992-02-24) |
5 | "Tree of Memories in Sunny Bell" (Japanese: サニーベルの思い出の木) | March 2, 1992 (1992-03-02) |
6 | "Quarrel in the 500,000th Year" (Japanese: 50万年目のケンカ) | March 9, 1992 (1992-03-09) |
7 | "I Love You, Julia!" (Japanese: 大好き!ジュリア!) | March 16, 1992 (1992-03-16) |
8 | "Fly High in the Sky, Peepchee!" (Japanese: はばたけピッチー大空へ) | March 23, 1992 (1992-03-23) |
9 | "Cherry Festival of Fairies" (Japanese: 妖精たちの桜祭り) | March 30, 1992 (1992-03-30) |
10 | "Fairy Hunter Jito Arrives!" (Japanese: 妖精ハンター·ジート登場!) | April 6, 1992 (1992-04-06) |
11 | "Audition for a TV Commercial" (Japanese: マリーベルのCMコンテスト) | April 13, 1992 (1992-04-13) |
12 | "Huge Happening in Flower House" (Japanese: >フラワーハウスの大事件) | April 20, 1992 (1992-04-20) |
13 | "Where's My Old Toy?" (Japanese: 想い出のオモチャはど〜こ?) | April 27, 1992 (1992-04-27) |
14 | "Bongo's Mother's Day Gift" (Japanese: ボンゴの母の日プレゼント) | May 4, 1992 (1992-05-04) |
15 | "The Prince in Love with Yuuri" (Japanese: ユーリに恋した王子さま) | May 11, 1992 (1992-05-11) |
16 | "My Dad is a Game Producer" (Japanese: うちのパパはゲーム作家) | May 18, 1992 (1992-05-18) |
17 | "Jito's Evil Plan" (Japanese: ジートのわるだくみ) | May 25, 1992 (1992-05-25) |
18 | "Bongo & Tap's Great Voyage!?" (Japanese: ボンゴとタップの大航海!?) | June 1, 1992 (1992-06-01) |
19 | "Camping is Fun! (Camp is Fun!)" (Japanese: キャンプは楽し!) | June 8, 1992 (1992-06-08) |
20 | "Friendship in the Unicycle Race" (Japanese: 友情の一輪車レース) | June 15, 1992 (1992-06-15) |
21 | "Paula from the Starland" (Japanese: 星の国から来たポーラ) | June 22, 1992 (1992-06-22) |
22 | "Ken's First Errand" (Japanese: ケンの初めてのお使い) | June 29, 1992 (1992-06-29) |
23 | "Stray Mermaid Princess" (Japanese: 迷子の迷子の人魚姫) | July 6, 1992 (1992-07-06) |
24 | "Jito Appears Yet Again" (Japanese: またまたジートがやってきた) | July 13, 1992 (1992-07-13) |
25 | "Yuuri and the Mischievous Dolphin" (Japanese: ユーリといたずらイルカ) | July 20, 1992 (1992-07-20) |
26 | "Does the Phoenix Exist or Not?" (Japanese: いるかいないかフェニックス) | July 27, 1992 (1992-07-27) |
27 | "Mary Bell Picture Book" (Japanese: マリーベルの絵本) | August 3, 1992 (1992-08-03) |
28 | "Vivian and Chacha, the Kitten" (Japanese: ビビアンと子猫のチャチャ) | August 10, 1992 (1992-08-10) |
29 | "Old Clock in the Haunted Mansion" (Japanese: ゆうれい屋敷の古時計) | August 17, 1992 (1992-08-17) |
30 | "Vivian of the Lost Forest" (Japanese: 迷いの森のビビアン) | August 24, 1992 (1992-08-24) |
31 | "The Pandemonium at the Flower Door" (Japanese: フラワードアで大混乱) | August 31, 1992 (1992-08-31) |
32 | "Retrieve the Table Lamp" (Japanese: テーブルランプを取り返せ) | September 7, 1992 (1992-09-07) |
33 | "Mary Bell's Mother and Father" (Japanese: マリーベルのパパとママ) | September 14, 1992 (1992-09-14) |
34 | "The Snack Shop and the Suspicious Two" (Japanese: お菓子の家とおかしな二人) | September 21, 1992 (1992-09-21) |
35 | "Grandma Rose Becomes a Child" (Japanese: 子供になったローズさん) | September 28, 1992 (1992-09-28) |
36 | "Mary Bell's Tour of the Moon" (Japanese: マリーベルの月世界旅行) | October 5, 1992 (1992-10-05) |
37 | "Ken and the Two-Horned Unicorn" (Japanese: ケンと2本角のユニコーン) | October 12, 1992 (1992-10-12) |
38 | "Tambourine Has Been Captured!" (Japanese: タンバリンがつかまった!) | October 19, 1992 (1992-10-19) |
39 | "Rescue Mission to Save Tambourine!" (Japanese: タンバリン救出大作戦!) | October 26, 1992 (1992-10-26) |
40 | "Search for the Cosmos Fairies" (Japanese: コスモスの妖精を捜して) | November 2, 1992 (1992-11-02) |
41 | "Do Your Best! Love Cupid" (Japanese: がんばれ!愛のキューピット) | November 9, 1992 (1992-11-09) |
42 | "Vivian Has Been Kidnapped!?" (Japanese: 誘拐されたビビアン!?) | November 16, 1992 (1992-11-16) |
43 | "A Wish on the Day That Snows" (Japanese: 雪の降る日の願いごと) | November 23, 1992 (1992-11-23) |
44 | "Grass Panic" (Japanese: トゲトゲ草パニック) | November 30, 1992 (1992-11-30) |
45 | "Mary Bell in the Mysterious Country" (Japanese: 不思議の国のマリーベル) | December 7, 1992 (1992-12-07) |
46 | "The Uproar of the Jiji-Bell Santa" (Japanese: ジジベルサンタの大騒動) | December 14, 1992 (1992-12-14) |
47 | "Do Your Best! Tambourine" (Japanese: がんばれ!タンバリン) | December 21, 1992 (1992-12-21) |
48 | "The Sunny Bell Incident" (Japanese: サニーベルの一大事) | January 4, 1993 (1993-01-04) |
49 | "Mary Bell and the Sacred Tree" (Japanese: マリーベルと聖なる樹) | January 11, 1993 (1993-01-11) |
50 | "A Dream to You" (Japanese: 夢をあなたに) | January 18, 1993 (1993-01-18) |