Andy Panda cartoon
Fish Fry is a 1944 Andy Panda cartoon directed by James Culhane and produced by Walter Lantz Productions. The plot centers around a street cat's endless attempts to eat Andy's goldfish after ordering it from a pet shop.
Andy Panda is attracted by a cute little goldfish in a pet shop window, buys it, and starts to take it home, but he is stalked by a mangy, hungry alley cat who wants to eat it. The cat tries to catch fish the by sneaking up and grabbing it, then by disguising himself as a thirst-crazed desert traveler, and finally, by crude by effective brute force. In his haste, the cat loses the fish down the gutter, then retrieves it only to lose it again after trying to cook it. After escaping from the cement mixer that he was kicked into, Andy catches the fish and is promptly chases back to the pet shop. The cat's ambush outside the shop is foiled by a big bulldog at Andy's side who disposes of the cat without lifting an eyebrow.
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