Felix Coetzee is the son of a KwaZulu-Nataltrainer and his grandfather was an owner-trainer. As a fifteen-year-old, Felix Coetzee attended the Jockey Academy at Summerveld then served his apprenticeship with his father's racing stable. At age sixteen, he scored his first significant win, riding Kentford to victory in the 1975 Clairwood Winter Handicap. In 1982 he signed on with renowned Cape Town trainer Terence M. Millard with whom he was associated until his retirement in 1991.
During his career, Felix Coetzee has led all South African jockeys in wins three times and has won numerous important South African races. At Greyville Racecourse, he won the country's premier race, the Rothmans July Handicap three times, and the Gold Cup a record-equaling seven times. Coetzee is also a five-time winner of the J&B Metropolitan Stakes at Kenilworth Racecourse.