Falling Kingdoms is a fantasy book series for young adults by Morgan Rhodes. It follows the lives of four teenagers: Cleo of Auranos, Jonas of Paelsia, and Magnus and Lucia of Limeros.[1] The series begins after a shocking murder plunges Limeros and Paelsia into a war against Auranos.
Falling Kingdoms, the first novel of the series, was published in 2012,[2][3] followed by Rebel Spring (2014),[4]Gathering Darkness (2014),[5]Frozen Tides (2015),[6]Crystal Storm (2016),[7] and finally Immortal Reign (2018), which concludes the series.[8]
In 2015, a spin-off series was launched with A Book of Spirits and Thieves,[9] followed by The Darkest Magic (2016).[10] In August 2018, Rhodes announced that the third book in the series, The Cursed Heir, is "indefinitely delayed" due to failing sales of the previous books.[11]