The tenth season of the Syfyreality television series Face Off premiered on January 13, 2016. This season marked the return of the judges' power to save an artist from elimination. The grand prize for the fifth season is a VIP trip from Kryolan to one of their 85 locations, a 2016 Fiat 500, and $100,000. Rob Seal of Lake View Terrace, California was declared the winner of this season on April 13, 2016.
Spotlight Challenge: Paul Reubens appears when the artists work in teams to create a whimsical makeup based on an over-sized toy. As the winner of the first spotlight challenge, Melissa was allowed to join a team of her choice to form a group of three.
Spotlight Challenge: The remaining 12 artists team up to create a member of a long-lost race inspired by unique languages created by Game of Thrones linguist David Peterson.
Foundation Challenge: Working in teams of two, the artists must create slime as inspiration for the spotlight challenge. The winning team receives immunity.
The Gauntlet: The artists face three different stages of challenges in which the Top Looks of each stage will be deemed safe and will not participate in the following stages. At the end of The Gauntlet one artist will be eliminated.
Stage 1: The artists must create their own captain characters based on a given historical ship. The captains must have a significant beard.
Melissa & Yvonne: The Mandjet - Egyptian Sun God Ra's solar barge which travels through the sky to provide light to the world
Walter & Rob: Naglfar - Viking Ship composed of the bones & nails of the dead
Kaleb & Robert: Flying Dutchman - Pirate ship manned by soulless dead pirates
Spotlight Challenge: The artists must select a creature featured in the upcoming "Skull Island: Reign of Kong" attraction at Universal Studios and create an evolved, more intelligent form of it in order to obtain a spot in the finale. The winner of the challenge will get to travel to Universal Studios and be one of the first to experience the "Reign of Kong" attraction.
Walter - Winged Bat/Rat Hybrid Creature (terapusmordax)
Mel - Insect Creature (decarnocimex)
Rob - Dinosaur Creature: V-Rex (vastsatatosaur rex)
Spotlight Challenge: The artists must create two characters that would be part of a horror film: one demonic character and one possessed character. Three different directors with different scripts of the film named "Hell Hole" will work with each artist. Eliminated contestants will also aid the finalists during the challenge. On the first part of the challenge, the artists create their characters to later get feedback from their directors on what to improve on during a lighting test.
Directors: John Wynn, Bryce James McGuire, & Ryan Spindell