The film takes place in an undisclosed part of Florida, in which a priest, Father Thomas Bates, is called upon to help exorcise Gail Bowers, who has come to be possessed by malevolent forces. Father Bates is first alerted to the matter by a local couple, Clark and Anne Pederson. Clark, a worker for Blackthorn Industries, tells of the problems that the neighborhood faces as the result of Gail's possessions, and that medical science has failed to make amends.
Using what powers are available, Father Bates visits Gail in her home and begins to perform an exorcism. It is during this service that the malevolent forces possessing Gail begin to fight back against the priest, and force themselves to be revealed for the first time.
HorrorTalk commented that the film had a strong start and finish, but suffered in the middle. They also felt that its lead actress, Erica Roby, was "just not experienced enough to pull off such a demanding role".[2]