He proposed new methods of economic planning based on the principles of new democratic centralism. His dissertation took form in Plan, pribyl', premiya (Plan, profit, bonus) article published in Pravda (1962). This became a basis for the Soviet reforms of 1965.
His most notable works were "Structure of the balance of an industrial company" (1948), "Means to raise the profitability of the socialist companies" (1956), "Analysis of the use of resources" (1963), "Plan and benefits for the Soviet economy" (1965) and "Planning of the socialism" (1967).
Reforms inspired by Liberman unsuccessfully attempted to revitalize the Soviet economy during the 1960s. Liberman's reform proposals were also implemented in East Germany.
Liberman's wife, Regina Horowitz, pianist and pedagogue, was a sister of the famed pianist Vladimir Horowitz. His great-granddaughter, Génia, is also a virtuoso concert pianist. In 1981, he died in Kharkiv.
Liberman, E.G. (1932). Normative Accounting in Production [Normativnyy uchet v proizvodstve] (in Russian). Moscow: Soyuzorguchet. p. 16.
Liberman, E.G. (1950). Intra-Factory Cost Accounting [Vnutrizavodskiy khozraschet] (in Russian). Moscow: Izd-vo and 1-ya tip. Mashgiza v L. p. 48.
Liberman, E.G., ed. (1960). Organization and Planning of Machine-Building Enterprises [Organizatsiya i planirovanie mashinostroitel'nykh predpriyatiy] (in Russian). Moscow: Mashgiz. p. 567.
Liberman, E.G. (1970). Economic Methods of Improving the Efficiency of Public Production [Ekonomicheskie metody povysheniya effektivnosti obshchestvennogo proizvodstva] (in Russian). Moscow: Ekonomika. p. 175.
Mykhailychenko, Dmytro Y. (2006). "Formation of the Team of Scholar-Economists under the Leadership of Prof. E.G. Liberman and its Activities from 1947 to 1959 (Regarding the Theoretical Preparation of the 1965 Economic Reform)" [Sozdanie kollektiva uchyonykh-ekonomistov pod rukovodstvom prof. E. G. Libermana i yego deyatel'nost' v 1947—1959 gg. (K voprosu o teoreticheskoy podgotovke ekonomicheskoy reformy 1965 g.)]. Istorichni zapiski: Zb. nauk. prats (in Russian). 10: 105–111.
Mykhailychenko, Dmytro (2013). "The "criminal case" of E.G. Liberman: 1938–1939" ["Delo" E.G. Libermana: 1938–1939 gg.] (PDF). Gileya: naukoviy visnik (in Russian). 75: 88–90. Archived from the original on 27 September 2023. Retrieved 12 October 2023.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)
Mykhailychenko, Dmytro Y.; Yermachenko, V. Y.; Sakhno, O. A. (2005). Ponomarenko, V. S. (ed.). Essays on the history of the Kharkiv National Economic University: Monograph [Narysy z istoriyi Kharkivs'koho natsional'noho ekonomichnoho universytetu: Monohrafiya] (PDF) (in Ukrainian). Kharkiv: Vydavnychniy Dim "INZHEK". p. 328. Archived from the original on 27 September 2023. Retrieved 12 October 2023.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)