The first known reports of the event date to 1574 and do not specify the exact year in which it would have occurred, but some believe that certain historical circumstances allow it to be placed chronologically eight centuries earlier, between 730 and 750. The Byzantine emperor Leo III the Isaurian, who reigned from 717 to 741, implemented a strict policy against religious images by promulgating an edict in 730 ordering their destruction. Mosaics and frescoes were destroyed with hammers, icons were thrown into the fire and several Greek monks were killed. As a consequence, many religious people, including numerous Basilian monks, took refuge in Italy.[3][4]
The miracle is described as follows: In the city of Lanciano, Italy, then known as Anxanum, some time in the 700s, a Basilian hieromonk was assigned to celebrate Mass at the monastery of St. Longinus. Celebrating in the Roman Rite and using unleavened bread, the monk had doubts about the Catholic doctrine of the real presence. During the Mass, when he said the Words of Consecration ("This is my body. This is my blood"), the priest saw the bread change into living flesh and the wine change into blood, which coagulated into five globules, of different shapes and sizes.[5]
Since there are no contemporary sources, the details and not even the name of the protagonist of the events are known; however, some sources give the idea that he must have been a priest of the Byzantine rite and a Basilian monk.[6]
The Basilian monks purportedly kept custody of the Eucharistic elements until their departure in 1175. They were succeeded by Benedictine monks in 1176.[7] The items were placed in different locations within the Church of St. Francis at Lanciano. They were kept in the Valsecca Chapel from 1636 until 1902 when they were relocated to a new altar.[8][9]
As of 2012, the relics of this miracle are kept in the Church of St. Francis in Lanciano. In 2004, Pope John Paul II recalled visiting the relics there while a cardinal.[10] They are displayed in a silver and glass reliquary made in Naples in 1713.
The host matter consists of a rounded membrane, yellow-brown in colour, with a shading of greater intensity, and contains a large central hole; it is identified with the flesh. The wine matter comes in the form of five earthy brown lumps of different shapes and sizes, claimed to be the coagulated blood. Over the centuries the relics were examined several times. During the first reconnaissance, carried out in 1574 by Archbishop Gaspare Rodriguez, it was said that the weight of each blood clot was equal to the total weight of the five clots. This supernatural claim had a theological meaning: Each drop of the consecrated wine contained in its entirety the complete and indivisible substance of the blood of Jesus.[11]
In November 1970, at the request of the Archbishop of Lanciano, Pacifico Maria Luigi Perantoni, and the Provincial Superior of the Order of Friars Minor Conventual of the Abruzzo region, Bruno Luciani, the Franciscan friars of Lanciano, who guarded the relics, decided, with the authorization of the Vatican, to have them subjected to medical-scientific analysis. The task was performed by Odoardo Linoli, head of the laboratory of clinical analysis and pathological anatomy of the hospital of Arezzo—full professor of anatomy, histology, chemistry, and clinical microscopy—and Ruggero Bertelli, professor of anatomy at the University of Siena. The histological and microchemical studies revealed that the relics were human heart muscle tissue. The positivity of the oxidase test, generally indicative for blood, can also occur in the presence of organs rich in ferments, vegetal extracts, finely divided metals.[12][13][14] In the microscopic examination, no cellular elements appear but a finely granular material, yellow-brown-greenish in color, together with rare foreign bodies of probable vegetal nature.
^The Eucharistic miracle of Santarém, Portugal in The Eucharistic Miracles of the World (Catalogue of the Vatican International Exhibition). Eternal Life; 1st edition (January 1, 2009), 330 pages. ISBN 9781931101028