German historian, philologist and educator (1811 - 1889)
Ernst Eduard Hudemann (15 November 1811, Neumünster – 21 December 1889, Plön) was a German educator, philologist and classical historian.
He studied philology at the University of Kiel, afterwards working in Kiel as a Hülfslehrer (teaching assistant) at the Gelehrten-Schule (1837). Beginning in 1840, he worked as an instructor in Schleswig, later serving as a conrector in Oldenburg and Leer (1853). In 1859 he was named Oberlehrer in Landsberg an der Warthe, and in 1864 was appointed subrector in Plön.[1][2] He died on December 21, 1889.[3]
Published works
Known for his writings on ancient Rome, his best known work being a book involving its postal system, "Geschichte des römischen Postwesens während der Kaiserzeit" (History of the Roman postal system during the imperial period; published in 10 editions between 1875 and 1985). Other significant writings by Hudemann are:
- Hamilcars Kampf auf Hercte und Eryx und der Friede des Catulus, 1842 - Hamilcar's struggle at Hercte and Eryx and the peace of Catulus.
- Zur Gymnasialreform, besonders mit Bezug auf die Vereinfachung des Gymnasialunterrichtes, 1855 - For high school reform, particularly with regard to the simplification of grammar lessons.
- "Quaestiones Ammianeae", 1864.
- Die Bauernaufstände in Gallien während der Römischen Kaiserzeit, 1872 - The peasant uprising in Gaul during the Roman Empire.
- Ueber eine Inschrift aus Ostia, 1876 - About an inscription from Ostia.[4]
Along with educator Friedrich Lübker, he made contributions to Reinhold Klotz' dictionary of the Latin language, "Handwörterbuch der lateinischen Sprache" (1857-1879).[5]
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