In this Catalan name, the first or paternal surname is Lluch and the second or maternal family name is Martín; both are generally joined by the conjunction "i".
Lluch was born in Vilassar de Mar, Barcelona province. He earned a PhD in Economic Sciences at the University of Barcelona (UB), and studied further at the Sorbonne in Paris. While he was a lecturer at the UB, he was arrested on several occasions and expelled from the university because of his anti-francoist political activity. From this position, he published seminal works on Spanish political economy.[4] He held the Chair of Economics at the University of Valencia (1974) and the Chair of History of Economic Doctrines at the UB. His last official position was as Director of the Menéndez Pelayo International University in Santander, from 1989 to 1995.
In May 1986 he retired from politics to resume the chair of History of Economic Doctrines of the University of Barcelona. On 2 January 1989 he took up his position as Director of the Menéndez Pelayo International University in Santander.
On November 21, 2000, Lluch was assassinated by ETA, who shot him twice in the head at his home in Barcelona.[6] The crime was claimed by the ETA's so-called Comando Barcelona, formed by Fernando García Jodrá, alias 'Txomin', Liarni Artmendaritz and José Antonio Krutxaga.[7] In 2002, the three members of the Commando were arrested and sentenced by the Spanish National High Court to 33 years in prison for the murder.[8]
El pensament econòmic a Catalunya (1760-1849). Edicions 62, 1973. ISBN9788429766059
La via valenciana. Editorial Tres i Quatre, 1976 (Premi Joan Fuster d'assaig, 1975) ISBN9788485211159
La Catalunya vençuda del segle XVIII. Foscors i clarors de la Il·lustració. Edicions 62, 1996. ISBN9788429742213
Las Españas vencidas del siglo XVIII. Editorial Crítica, 1999. ISBN9788474239249
L'alternativa catalana (1700-1714-1740). Ramon de Vilana i Perlas i Juan Amor de Soria: teoria i acció austriacistes. Eumo Editorial, 2000. ISBN9788476027127
La passió per la música. Recerques d'un melòman il.lustrat. CCG Edicions, 2004. ISBN9788495483867