Erling Stordahl claimed the family line of Norway's King Magnus the Blind. His cultural leadership continued after his recording career. He raised the money to found the Beitostølen Health Sports Centre, for the handicapped children and adults of Europe, in one evening telethon, a part of the Norwegian Red Feather campaign. He also founded the Stordahl Centre for Art and Culture, and presided as chair of the United Nations' International Year for the Handicapped.
The yearly Ridderrennet at Beitostølen in Norway was also established by Erling Stordahl. When Ridderrennet travelled to Minneapolis, Minnesota, Stordahl inspired the blind cross country skier Diane Ziegler, who founded the Association for Blind Living and Education (ABLE), Out of Sight Clubs, and celebrity fashion shows for the blind and sighted. Stordahl's approach to recreation for the handicapped was also a model for the Sons of Norway Ski for Light program brought to the United States by Olav Pedersen.
Reed G: Beitostolen, Shangri la for the handicapped. The Physician and Sportsmedicine. November, 1978, pages 146 to 150.