The Episcopal Burying Ground and Chapel (also known as the Old Episcopal Burying Ground (OEBG)) is located at 251 East Third Street, in Lexington, Kentucky. The land was purchased in 1832 by Christ Church as a burial ground for its parishioners. The cemetery became extremely important during the 1833 cholera epidemic, during which one-third of the congregation died.
The burial ground also contains a small chapel that was built around 1867 and is thought to have been designed by notable Lexington architect John McMurtry. The small Carpenter Gothic chapel later became a sexton's cottage.
The only person of color buried in the OEBG, is Rev. London Ferrill, a former enslaved man who came to Kentucky in 1811 after the death of his enslaver. In 1821, he was ordained by the Elkhorn Baptist Association. Rev. Ferrell ministered to the black population of Lexington at the First African Church, now the First African Baptist Church. It was founded by Rev. Peter Durrett, also known as "Uncle Peter" and "Old Captain", an enslaved man of Rev. Joseph Craig, who came to Kentucky with the Baptist members of The Travelling Church from Upper Spotsylvania, Virginia in 1781.
The cemetery is not regularly open to the public, but private tours can be given by appointment.