Elly Niland and David Dabydeen dramatised Harold Sonny Ladoo’s short novel No Pain Like This Body – depicting the terrifying world of a family brutalised by violence, poverty and nature itself. Set in a Hindu community in the Eastern Caribbean in 1905 during the August rainy season, it centres on a poor rice-growing family's struggle to survive. No Pain Like this Body was broadcast on BBC Radio 3 in 2003.
"The Fog", a story about a sickness spreading across Malaysia, was specially commissioned for the BBC's Commonwealth Stories season and was read by Liz Sutherland on BBC Radio 4 in 2005.
"Market Day", from her Bone Soup collection, was shortlisted for the inaugural Guardian and 4th Estate short story prize in 2016.[7][8]
Niland is currently working on a collection of creole stories set in a fictional village in Guyana.