"Elegia" was originally written for a film commissioned by i-D magazine and was inspired by Ennio Morricone's For A Few Dollars More score. The film was not completed, so the band saved the recording for their upcoming album.[3]
"Elegia" was recorded at CTS Studios in Wembley in a single 24-hour session with the working title "Ben and Justin".[4] It is in the key of A minor with a time signature of 12/8. The song uses the E-mu Emulator II for several sounds, including choir and strings.[5]
17-minute version
The original recording of "Elegia" had a duration of 17:29 which was edited down to 4:56 for the album version on Low-Life. The full-length version was included on the limited five-disc version of the compilation album Retro, as well as the 2008 Collector's Edition of Low-Life. The full version was also released on vinyl in 2012 and again in 2022.[6]
Use in media
Since the release of Low-Life in 1985, Elegia has been used in the following media productions: