El pueblo is a Spanish comedy television series created by Alberto Caballero, Julián Sastre and Fernando Abad. The plot concerns the arrival of a group of city dwellers to a tiny village and their ensuing experiences. It debuted on Amazon Prime Video in May 2019.
The plot concerns the arrival of a group of "urbanites" to a tiny Sorian village presumed to be abandoned (Peñafría) drawn by an offer of affordable housing.[1][2][3] The village happens to preserve a small number of native inhabitants with whom the urban immigrants interact.[3]
Created by Alberto Caballero, Julián Sastre and Fernando Abad,[11]El pueblo was produced by Mediaset España in collaboration with Conturbernio Films.[1] Alberto Caballero (on behalf of Contubernio films) and Arantxa Écija (on behalf of Mediaset España) were credited as executive producers.[11] Alberto Caballero, Laura Caballero and Roberto Monge directed the episodes, whereas Daniel Deorador and Araceli Álvarez de Sotomayor joined Alberto Caballero, Julián Sastre and Fernando Abad in the writing team.[11] The first season consisted of 8 episodes featuring a running time of around 70 minutes.[11] The first season was entirely shot in the province of Soria.[10] While Valdelavilla was primarily used to portray the fictional village of Peñafría, other shooting locations included San Pedro Manrique, Valdeavellano de Tera, Los Rábanos and Soria.[10]
Just like with other series, the Mediaset España's distributor Mediterráneo Mediaset España Group reached an agreement to cede the exclusive rights to Amazon Prime Video for a time before its free-to-air broadcasting run.[12] The first season was thus originally released on Prime Video on 14 May 2019.[13]
Filming of the second season was wrapped in October 2019.[13] The second season consisted of another 8 episodes (featuring a 50-minute-long runtime on Amazon and a 70-min run for a later free-to-air airing).[14] It was released on Prime Video on 14 February 2020.[15]