El Chema is an American crime television series premiered on Telemundo on December 6, 2016, and concluded on April 3, 2017. The series is produced by Argos Comunicación and Telemundo Studios for Telemundo. Starred and produced by Mauricio Ochmann. It is a spin-off of the series El Señor de los Cielos.
The first season consists of 84 episodes, and is available on Netflix as of July 1, 2017.[3][4][5]
The first season tells the story of how Chema Venegas (Mauricio Ochmann) got his start in organized crime and rose through the ranks to become the head of the cartel he runs in "El Señor de los Cielos." El Chema began breaking the law at a young age, transporting marijuana across the US-Mexican border when he was just a boy. Little by little, he worked his way up to become a successful and skillful leader, earning his place through bloodshed and brutality, in the history of drug trafficking. Since he was a young man, El Chema has been one of the most important public enemies of both the U.S and Mexican governments.[6]
The original series is based on the fictional character and is not related to the life of Chapo Guzmán.[9]
Telemundo confirmed on May 15, 2016 that the series would see a spinoff based upon actor Mauricio Ochmann's character 'El Chema'.[10] On September 21, 2016, Telemundo confirmed that production officially started.[11] Telemundo would release exclusive web videos on November 15, 2016 explaining the title character's backstory including tying in the title character's last appearance in El Señor de los Cielos to the start of the events of the spinoff.[6]
Actress and music artist Mariana Seoane also participates in the series as "Mabel",[12] and composed songs for the series.[13] Itatí Cantoral also confirmed her participation in the series as a villain, Cantoral and Seoane are more recognized for work for Televisa.[14]
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