Ego is a 2021 Spanish psychological horror thriller film directed by Alfonso Cortés-Cavanillas which stars María Pedraza.
The film is set during the COVID-19 lockdown in Spain. Paloma begins using a dating website for same-sex females, for some fun. She is surprised to find on the website the profile of another girl identical to her, who threatens to replace Paloma and erase her identity.[1]
Produced by La Caña Films, the film was written by Jorge Navarro de Lemus and directed by Alfonso Cortés-Cavanillas.[4] Pedro Vendrell Martínez was responsible for the cinematography.[4]
The film was screened at the Brooklyn Horror Film Festival held in October 2021.[2] Distributed by Begin Again Films,[5] it was theatrically released in Spain on 1 December 2021.[6][7]