In 1986, the Popular Anti-Racism Movement group, formed by the Justice and Human Rights Movement, the Brazilian Black Movement, and the Porto Alegre Jewish Movement, reported to the Coordination of Criminal Prosecutors that the content of the works of Editora Revision, by Siegfried Ellwanger Castan, would be racist. A new complaint was made in 1990, this time with the head of the Police of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, who opened a police investigation, which was sent to the Public Ministry. The complaint was received in 1991, and the search and seizure of copies of several books published by Castan was ordered, among them, Jewish or German Holocaust? Behind the Scenes of the Lie of the Century, by Castan himself, Hitler Guilty or Innocent?, by Sérgio Oliveira and The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, an anonymous work prefaced by Gustavo Barroso. In 1995, Castan was tried and acquitted in the first instance; however, in 1996 he was unanimously condemned by the judges of the 3rd Criminal Chamber of the Court of Justice of the State of Rio Grande do Sul. Despite the conviction, still in 1996, Castan was caught selling his books at the Porto Alegre Book Fair, which led to a new complaint, received in 1998, for which he was sentenced to two years in prison. Castan appealed, arguing that Jews are an ethnicity, not a race, and that therefore anti-Semitism would not be racism. His appeal was denied and the conviction was reiterated by the STF in 2001.[5]
Holocausto Judeu o Alemão?
Hitler Culpado ou Inocente?
A Implosão da Mentira do Século
O Gás Acabou
Holocausto Judeu ou Alemão?
Holocausto judeu ou alemão? - Siegfried Ellwanger Castan
Alemanha desperta - in German 2nd edition (the first was made by the German government in 1933, accompanies a booklet from the publisher review translation).
Brasil colônia de banqueiros - Gustavo Barroso
Murieran realmente seis millones? - Richard Harwood, in Spanish
^Jesus, Carlos Gustavo Nóbrega de; Gandra, Edgar Avila (2020-12-16). "O negacionismo renovado e o ofício do Historiador". Estudos Ibero-Americanos (in Portuguese). 46 (3): e38411. doi:10.15448/1980-864X.2020.3.38411. ISSN1980-864X. No Brasil tal leitura tortuosa do passado chegou no final dos anos 1980, com a Editora Revisão. Criada no Rio Grande do Sul, em 1987, teve seu primeiro livro editado e escrito pelo próprio fundador, Siegfried Ellwanger, que adotou o pseudônimo de Castan. Holocausto judeu ou Alemão? Nos Bastidores da Mentira do Século, foi lançado em fevereiro de 1988. Nos anos 1990 o livro entrou na lista dos livros mais vendidos entre as publicações negacionistas e Castan envolveu-se em vários processos legais, pelo conteúdo racista dos livros impressos e veiculados por sua editora. Diante disso viu-se obrigado a valer-se de artifícios para contornar proibições legais e passou a divulgar seus escritos na internet.