Howard has received numerous awards including, a grant from Harvard's the Fromm Foundation, a Regents Fellowship at University of California, San Diego, and three New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowships. In 2004 Howard's first sound installation was commissioned for the Tiffany Collection at the Queens Museum of Art.
Earl Howard has also produced soundtracks for some major film and video artists including Nam June Paik, Mary Lucier, Rii Kanzaki, Bob Harris, and Bill Brand.
Strong Force (Mutablemusic, 2003) - Concert recorded at Merkin Hall with Howard on synth, Anthony Davis on piano, Gerry Hemingway on percussion, Anne LeBaron on harp and Ernst Reijseger on cello. 1. 17:01 2. 11:34 3. 12:41 4. 4:55 5. 04:57
Fire Song (Erstwhile, 2000) - Denman Maroney on piano, Howard on saxophone and synth. 1. Firesong 17:48 2. Uncaged Bacchanal 10:23 3. Pulse Field 13:22 4. Orchid 12:12
Pele's Tears (Random Acoustics, 1994) - Compilation of works from 1986 to 1993. First two tracks are solos by Howard on a Serge synthesizer or Serge Modular System and an AKAI S 1000, a LEXICON PCM 70 and a LXP. These are followed by a quartet with Howard on electronics, Frank Gratozski on alto sax, Pelvyn Poore on tuba and Hans Schneider on double bass. 1. Hell 19:25 2. Pele's Tears 17:59 3. Bottle 13:06 4. Quartet1 05:25 5. Quartet2 05:37