The program was created by César Abeytua, inspired by the film by Woody AllenRadio Days.[2] He remained as the program's director until 29 October 1994,[3] when he was replaced by Aitana Sánchez-Gijón,[4] who then was replaced by Antonio Gasset after hosting Informe Semanal.[5][6] Gasset worked on the program both as host and as director until his retirement in 2007 when he was replaced by Cayetana Guillén Cuervo.[7] as host, and by Gerardo Sánchez as director of the program, with co-director Raúl Alda serving along him until 2009. During the 2013–14 season, the program was hosted by Henar Álvarez.[8] From September 2014 Elena S. Sánchez hosts the program.[9]