Admiral Lambert soon arrived at the mouth of the Algerian harbor with a great number of Algerian corsairs which he captured, and beat up along his way. He anchored his squadron in the harbor and sent word to the pasha that he demanded the immediate release of all Dutch slaves and all of the captured vessels, cargo, and goods. Lambert threatened that if the pasha did not do as he said, the admiral would hang all of the Algerian officers and crewman he had captured. The pasha refused, believing that Lambert was bluffing. Lambert then hanged every Algerian captive on his ship, and drowned the rest that did not fit on his ships to hang, and then turned his squadron around and sailed back into the sea with dead Algerian captives on top of his ship. This horrified the Algerian populace and the pasha. The city convulsed with wailing crowds and tumultuous clamor at the gates of the pasha's palace. There was no time for the pasha and his officers to fully consider the implications of the event, as they soon beheld the return of Lambert's squadron with a fresh collection of captured corsairs and their crews. Lambert again anchored in the harbor and repeated his demands with the same threat if they were not met. The pasha then immediately released every Dutch captive and restored the Dutch properties. However Lambert did not return those captured Algerians. He took them home to the Dutch Republic, and it is unknown what he did with them there.[5]