Durga, a young tribal girl, embarks on a journey of self-discovery, navigating societal prejudices, domestic abuse, and her pursuit of education amid unfulfilled love and cultural complexities. As Durga's childhood friendship with Anurag blossoms into a deep love, they encounter resistance from Paani Bai, challenging their bond and her aspirations.
Pranali Rathod as Durga Kalmera: Anurag's love-interest; Rajesh's second widow; Jari Burhi's grandniece (2024–2025)
Hera Mishra as child Durga (2024)
Aashay Mishra as Dr. Anurag Singh Rathore: Vikram and Aarti's son; Anubhav, Charu and Devika's cousin; Durga's love-interest (2024–2025)
Akshaan Sehrawat as child Anurag (2024)
Indira Krishnan as Paani Bai: Hukkum's unmarried wife; Madhav's mother; Rathore's family advisor; Durga's caretaker (2024–2025)
Jasjeet Babbar as Savitri Singh Rathore: Hukkum's wife; Vikram and Anant's mother; Madhav's adoptive mother; Anurag, Anubhav, Charu and Devika's grandmother (2024–2025)
Sachin Verma as Vikram Singh Rathore: Savitri's elder son; Anant's elder brother; Madhav's half brother; Aarti's husband; Anurag's father (2024–2025)