The movie revolved around a Chinese flatbread restaurant in Hong Kong, where the Mo family worked and make a living. Luk Siu-fung (Lydia Shum) is the matriarch of the family, protecting them against all external threats from local gangsters, while also serving the family's every need. However, Siu-fung suffers from heart problems, and on the eve of her wedding anniversary with her longtime husband, Mo Chak-shu, Siu-fung died.[1]
Before Siu-fung died, she expressed a desire to ride a Chinese Wedding Sedan in the afterlife, which Chak-shu and his son, Sonny, promises. When Siu-fung reaches the underworld, the wedding sedan arrived just in time to carry Siu-fung over the Neihe Bridge, where she will officially reach the underworld and be prepared for reincarnation. After proper registrations, Siu-fung (who is grossly overweight) attempted to cross the Neihe Bridge with the sedan, and the excessive weight caused the bridge to collapse. The sedan carriers, along with the sedan, fell to their death into the Neihe River, while Siu-fung was saved by the Spiritworld Keeper at the last moment.
Since the Neihe Bridge was destroyed, Siu-fung cannot cross the bridge, thus creating an anomaly where Siu-fung is not officially dead, in spiritworld terms. The spiritworld keeper attempted to guide Siu-fung back to human life, where she can reenter her body, and be returned to life. However, Siu-fung was a little late, and her husband and son pressed a button to cremate Siu-fung's body.
In Cantonese, the name "Mo" (武) is homonymic to the term "no/nothing/never" (無), therefore, Mo Chak-shu (武則書) is phonetically similar to the term "無執輸", which means "Will not lose" or "will not be at a disadvantage". Meanwhile, Mo Tak-ko (武德高) is phonetically similar to "無得高", which means "will never grow tall".