Dos años y un día (transl. 'Two Years and One Day') is a Spanish prison comedy television series created and written by Raúl Navarro, Miguel Esteban, Sergio Sarriá and Luimi Pérez that began airing on 3 July 2022 on Atresplayer Premium. It stars Arturo Valls alongside Adriana Torrebejano, Amaia Salamanca, Fernando Gil, Michael John Treanor and Javier Botet.
The series was produced by Atresmedia Televisión alongside LACOproductora, Estela Films, Pólvora Films and Globomedia [es] (The Mediapro Studio).[6] It consists of 6 episodes featuring an average running time of 30 minutes.[7] Raúl Navarro and Ernesto Sevilla took over direction duties.[4]