Dope is an American documentary television series airing since December 22, 2017 (2017-12-22) on Netflix. The show revolves around the production, logistics, sale and consumption of drugs. Camera teams follow law enforcement as well as users and dealers of various drugs.
During the shooting of an interview with three drug dealers in Beek, Netherlands for the third season of the show, local police invaded their home and arrested the men whilst the camera was rolling. According to local newspaper De Limburger, police had been monitoring one of the dealers and thus found out about the scheduled interview. The two filmmakers present were interrogated but released shortly after. According to police, firearms found on the table were fake, as was a large portion of the alleged drugs.[1]
In January 2019, a 21-year-old man from Troy, Michigan was arrested for drug trafficking through Oakland County and surrounding communities. The Oakland County Sheriff's Office began investing the man, who operated under the pseudonym "Ozone", in July 2018 after receiving a tip. The tip also mentioned the man's engagement in the third episode of the second season of Dope. After executing search warrants on two locations, police found various amounts of different drugs and took the man into custody.[2] He was booked on multiple drug trafficking charges, to all of which he pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 3–20 years in federal prison in June 2019.[3]
Season 1 (2017)
No. overall
No. in season
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Original release date
"America's Cup of Coffee"
Dickon Le Marchant
December 22, 2017 (2017-12-22)
The episode revolves around cocaine usage in the streets of Oakland, California. Not only cocaine but all sorts of drugs
"Once You See It, You Can Never Unsee It"
Richard Mejeh
December 22, 2017 (2017-12-22)
Baltimore, Maryland becomes the centerpoint of this episode as it shows its ongoing heroin epidemic, one of the worst in the country.
"Even if They Didn't Pay Me, I'd Still Do It"
Seamus Mirodan & Nonuk Walter
December 22, 2017 (2017-12-22)
The episode focuses on the Sinaloa Cartel operating out of Sinaloa, Mexico and shows the typical route of marijuana from Mexico into the United States.
In episode six, viewers are taken to the state of Indiana, where home-cooked methamphetamine is a real problem on the streets.
"I'm Gonna Get Me That White People Money"
George Amponsah
April 20, 2018 (2018-04-20)
Detroit, Michigan has been known for its techno scene since the 1980s. The drug MDMA has been going hand in hand with underground raves for almost as long.
"Feeling Rather Groovy Like a $2 Movie"
Roeland Doust
April 20, 2018 (2018-04-20)
The second season ends with an episode chronicling the life of a bounty hunter set out on drug dealers in Atlanta, Georgia.
Season 3 (2019)
No. overall
No. in season
Directed by
Original release date
"The Devil's Oldest Trick"
Phil Caller & Minna Sedmakov
June 28, 2019 (2019-06-28)
Camera crews examine fentanyl's impact on addicts and how overwhelmed customs agents are striving to stop the flow. Also, a Boston dealer talks money.
"God, Forgive Me for This"
Jamie Welham & Vanessa Moussa
June 28, 2019 (2019-06-28)
A large shipment of cocaine is transported from rural Colombia to bustling Madrid. Smugglers beware: Police may be waiting to pounce.
"No Face, No Case"
Benedict Sanderson
June 28, 2019 (2019-06-28)
As dealers and smugglers take advantage of addiction in Los Angeles, law enforcement agents search for drugs on both land and sea.
"This Isn't Miami Vice"
Joost Van der Valk
June 28, 2019 (2019-06-28)
In the port city of Rotterdam in the Netherlands, cocaine kingpins employ fearsome hitmen to intimidate and silence suspected informers.