
DisplayID is a VESA standard for metadata describing display device capabilities to the video source. It is designed to replace E-EDID standard and EDID structure v1.4.

The DisplayID standard was initially released in December 2007. Version 1.1 was released in March 2009 and was followed by version 1.2 released in August 2011. Version 1.3 was released in June 2013[1] and current version 2.0 was released in September 2017.

DisplayID uses variable-length structures of up to 256 bytes each, which encompass all existing EDID extensions as well as new extensions for 3D displays, embedded displays, Wide Color Gamut and HDR EOTF. DisplayID format includes several blocks which describe logical parts of the display such as video interfaces, display device technology, timing details and manufacturer information. Data blocks are identified with a unique tag. The length of each block can be variable or fixed to a specific number of bytes. Only the base data block is mandatory, while all extension blocks are optional. This variable structure is based on CEA EDID Extension Block Version 3 first defined in CEA-861-B.

The DisplayID standard is freely available and is royalty-free to implement.

DisplayID 2.0 structures

Version 2.0 introduces new generalized information blocks primarily intended for UltraHD High Dynamic Range (HDR) displays, such as LCD computer monitors and LCD/OLED televisions with native support for BT.2100 color space and PQ/HLG transfer functions. It also makes optional predefined CRT/LCD timings from DMT and CEA-861 standards, switching to formula-based structures which follow VESA CVT-RB and GTF.

The base DisplayID 2.0 variable-length structure is the same for all data blocks:

Variable-length DisplayID section structure, version 2.0[2]
Byte offset Value Mandatory Description
0 0x20 Green tickY DisplayID Version 2, Revision 0
1 0–251 Green tickY Length of the variable data block
2 0–15 Green tickY Display primary use case (reserved in the extension sections):

0 = Extension section – same use case as the Base section
1 = Test structure (generated by testing equipment)
2 = Generic
3 = Television
4 = Productivity
5 = Gaming
6 = Presentation
7 = Virtual reality
8 = Augmented reality

3 Green tickY Extension count (reserved in the extension sections)
4 Data blocks (N bytes)
(N+4) Green tickY Checksum

Each data block starts with mandatory block tag, revision number (0-7), and payload length (0-248) bytes, and has a variable length of up to 251 bytes. The following blocks are currently defined:

Data block types [2]
Block tag Mandatory Name Notes
0x00–0x1F Reserved (legacy 1.0 data blocks)
0x20 Green tickY Product Identification
0x21 Green tickY Display Parameters Per primary use case
0x22 Green tickY Type VII – Detailed timing Per primary use case
0x23 Type VIII – Enumerated Timing Code
0x24 Type IX – Formula-based Timing
0x25 Dynamic video timing range Limits
0x26 Green tickY Display Interface Features Per primary use case
0x27 Stereo Display Interface
0x28 Tiled Display Topology
0x29 ContainerID For multi-function devices
0x7E Vendor specific
0x81 CTA DisplayID

0x20 Product identification

0x20 Product identification block contains standard vendor and product IDs, serial number, date of manufacture and product name.

Comparing to legacy block 0x00, Microsoft ISA Plug&Play identifier is replaced with IEEE OUI, first used in the network MAC address.

Product Identification block[2]
Byte offset Bit/value Description/format
0 0x20 Product Identification block tag
1 0 Revision
2 12–248 Number of payload bytes
3–5 Manufacturer/Vendor ID
IEEE Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI)
6–7 Product ID, LSB/MSB
8–11 Serial number, optional
12 0–51, 255 Week of Manufacture (0=unspecified); Model year tag (255)
13 0, 15–255 Year of Manufacture/Model Year (0=unspecified); Stored Value = (Year-2000)
14 1–236 Length of product name string
15–251 Product name string, optional

0x21 Display parameters

0x21 Display parameters block contains basic parameters such as viewable area size and pixel count, supported color depth, and factory calibrated RGB color space, white point, luminance, and gamma transfer function.

Comparing to legacy block 0x01, color calibration values have been moved here from block 0x02 and max/min luminance values have been added. Display size can be specified in 1 mm increments in addition to default 0.1 mm.

Display Parameters block[2]
Byte offset Bit/value Description/format
0 0x21 Display parameters block tag
1 Bits 2:0 = 0 Revision
Bit 7 Image size precision:

0 = 0.1 mm (default)
1 = 1 mm

2 29 Number of payload bytes
3–4 Horizontal image size
5–6 Vertical image size
7–8 Horizontal pixel count
9–10 Vertical pixel count
11 Feature-support flags
Bits 2:0 Scan orientation:

0 = Left–right, top–bottom (default)
1 = Right–left, top–bottom
2 = Top–bottom, right–left
3 = Bottom–top, right–left
4 = Right–left, bottom–top
5 = Left–right, bottom–top
6 = Bottom–top, left–right
7 = Top–bottom, left–right

Bits 4:3 Max luminance information:

0 = non-zero values are a guaranteed minimum
1 = non-zero values are a guidance for the source device

Bit 6 Color-space information:

0 = uses CIE 1931 (x,y) coordinates (default)
1 = uses CIE 1976 (u',v') coordinates

Bit 7 Audio speakers information:

0 = integrated (default)
1 = external jack

12–14 Primary Color 1 Chromaticity
Bits 7:0 x/u' value, 8-bit LSB
Bits 11:8 x/u' value, 4-bit MSB
Bits 15:12 y/v' value, 4-bit LSB
Bits 23:16 y/v' value, 8-bit MSB
15–17 Primary color 2 chromaticity
18–20 Primary color 3 chromaticity
21–23 White point chromaticity
24–25 Max luminance (full coverage), cd/m2
26–27 Max luminance (10% coverage), cd/m2
28–29 Min luminance, cd/m2
30 Color-depth, display-technology flags
Bits 2:0 Color Depth:

0 = not defined
1 = 6 bpc
2 = 8 bpc
3 = 10 bpc
4 = 12 bpc
5 = 16 bpc

Bits 6:4 Display technology:

0 = not specified

31 Gamma EOTF (1.00–3.54), stored value = (Gamma × 100) – 100 = (Gamma – 1) × 100 (255=unspecified)
Notes: Chromaticity values use 12-bit fractional integer numbers (bit12 × 2−1 + ... + bit0 × 2−12)

Luminance values use 16-bit IEEE 754-2008 half-precision floating-point format (−0 = not used)

0x22 Type VII detailed timings

0x22 Detailed timing block type VII defines CTA-861 compatible timings based on pixel rate. This block is based on type VI block 0x13.

Type VII – Detailed timing block header[2]
Byte offset Bit/value Description/format
0 0x22 Detailed timing block tag
1 Bits 2:0 Revision: 0, 1
Bit 2 DSC support

0 = Standard descriptor
1 = Descriptors with DSC pass-through (block revision 1)

2 20–240 Number of payload bytes (N × 20, 1 ≤ N ≤ 12)
Type VII Detailed timing descriptor[2]
Byte offset Bit/value Description/format
0–2 Pixel Clock, kHz (0.001–16,777.216 MPix/s)
Bits 7:0 8-bit LSB
Bits 15:8 8-bit middle bits
Bits 23:16 8-bit MSB
3 Timing options
Bits 3:0 Aspect ratio:

0 = 1:1
1 = 5:4
2 = 4:3
3 = 15:9
4 = 16:9
5 = 16:10
6 = 64:27
7 = 256:135
8 = Calculate using horizontal/vertical active image pixels/lines (bytes 4-5 and 12–13)

Bit 4 Frame scanning type:

0 = progressive
1 = interlaced

Bits 6:5 Stereoscopic 3D:

0 = mono timing
1 = 3D stereo timing
2 = mono or 3D stereo depending on user action

Bit 7 Preferred timing:

1 = preferred detailed timing

4–5 Horizontal active image pixels
6–7 Horizontal blank pixels
8–9 Horizontal offset (front porch)
Bits 7:0 8-bit LSB
Bits 14:8 7-bit MSB
Bit 15 Horizontal sync polarity:

0 = negative
1 = positive

10–11 Horizontal sync width
12–13 Vertical active image lines
14–15 Vertical blank lines
16–17 Vertical sync offset (front porch)
Bits 7:0 8-bit LSB
Bits 14:8 7-bit MSB
Bit 15 Vertical sync polarity:

0 = negative
1 = positive

18–19 Vertical Sync Width

0x23 Type VIII enumerated timing code

0x23 Type VIII enumerated timing code block is based on type IV DMT ID block 0x06. It provides one-byte or two-byte video mode codes as defined in VESA Display Monitor Timings standard or Video Information Codes defined by CTA-861 and HDMI.

Type VIII – Enumerated timing code header[2]
Byte offset Bit/value Description/format
0 0x23 Enumerated timing code block tag
1 Bits 2:0 = 0 Revision
Bit 3 Timing code size:

0 = one-byte descriptor
1 = two-byte descriptor

Bits 7:6 Timing code type:

0 = DMT
1 = CTA VIC code
2 = HDMI VIC code

2 1–248 Number of payload bytes

0x24 Type IX formula-based timings

0x24 Type IX formula-based timings block is based on type V short timings block 0x11.

Type IX – Formula-based timing header[2]
Byte offset Bit/value Description/format
0 0x24 Formula-based timing block tag
1 Bits 2:0 = 0 Revision
2 6–248 Number of payload bytes (N × 6)
Type IX Formula-based timing descriptor[2]
Byte offset Bit/value Description/format
0 Timing options
Bits 2:0 Timing Formula/Algorithm

0 = CVT
1 = CVT-RB
2 = CVT-R2

Bit 3 NTSC Video optimized refresh rate × (1000/1001):

0 = not supported
1 = supported

Bits 6:5 Stereoscopic 3D:

0 = Mono timing
1 = 3D stereo timing
2 = Mono or 3D stereo depending on user action

1–2 Horizontal active image pixels
3–4 Vertical active image lines
5 vertical refresh rate, Hz (1-256)

0x25 Dynamic video timing range

0x25 Dynamic video timing range block is based on block 0x9h Video Timing Range Limits; the new version allows more precise definition of pixel rate in 1 kHz steps and adds indication for variable refresh rates.

Dynamic video timing range block[2]
Byte offset Bit/value Description/format
0 0x25 Dynamic video timing range block tag
1 Bits 2:0 Revision: 0, 1
2 9 Number of payload bytes
3–5 Minimum pixel clock, kHz
6–8 Maximum pixel clock, kHz
9 Minimum vertical refresh rate, Hz
10 Maximum vertical refresh rate LSB, Hz
11 Dynamic video timing range Support Flags
Bits 1:0 Maximum vertical refresh rate MSB, Hz (block revision 1)
Bit 7 Seamless dynamic video timing change:

0 = not supported
1 = supported with fixed horizontal pixel rate and dynamic vertical blanking

0x26 Display interface features

0x26 Display interface features block describes color depth, dynamic range, and transfer function supported by the display controller. It is based on blocks 0x0F display interface features and 0x02 color characteristics.

Display Interface Features block[2]
Byte offset Bit/value Description/format
0 0x26 Display interface features block tag
1 Bits 2:0 = 0 Revision
2 9 Number of payload bytes
3 Color-depth support, RGB encoding
Bit 0 6 bpc
Bit 1 8 bpc
Bit 2 10 bpc
Bit 3 12 bpc
Bit 4 14 bpc
Bit 5 16 bpc
0 = no support

1 = supported

4 Color-depth support, YCbCr 4:4:4 encoding
5 Color-depth support, YCbCr 4:2:2 encoding
Bit 0 8 bpc
Bit 1 10 bpc
Bit 2 12 bpc
Bit 3 14 bpc
Bit 4 16 bpc
0 = no support

1 = supported

6 Color-depth support, YCbCr 4:2:0 encoding
7 Minimum pixel rate for YCbCr 4:2:0 encoding,
pixel rate = 74.25 MP/s × Stored Value (0=supported at all modes)
8 Audio capability and feature support flags
Bit 5 48 kHz sample rate
Bit 6 44.1 kHz sample rate
Bit 7 32 kHz sample rate
0 = no support

1 = supported

9 Color space and EOTF combination 1
Bit 0 sRGB (IEC 61966-2-1) Color space and EOTF
Bit 1 ITU-R BT.601 Color space and EOTF
Bit 2 ITU-R BT.709 Color space and ITU-R BT.1886 EOTF
Bit 3 Adobe RGB Color space and EOTF
Bit 4 DCI-P3 (SMPTE RP 431–2) Color space and EOTF
Bit 5 ITU-R BT.2020 Color space and EOTF
Bit 6 ITU-R BT.2020 Color space and SMPTE ST 2084 EOTF
0 = no support

1 = supported

10 0 Color space and EOTF combination 2: reserved
11 0–7 Number of additional color space and EOTF bytes (N)
11+#N Additional color space and EOTF byte #N
Bits 3:0 EOTF:

0 = defined by display interface rules
1 = sRGB (IEC 61966-2-1)
2 = ITU-R BT.601
3 = ITU-R BT.1886 for ITU-R BT.709
4 = Adobe RGB
5 = DCI-P3 (SMPTE RP 431–2)
6 = ITU-R BT.2020
7 = Gamma function (value stored in Display Parameters byte 31)
8 = SMPTE ST 2084
9 = Hybrid log–gamma
10 = Custom (details defined in another block)

Bits 3:0 Color space:

0 = Undefined – follow display interface rules
1 = sRGB (IEC 61966-2-1)
2 = ITU-R BT.601
3 = ITU-R BT.709
4 = Adobe RGB
5 = DCI-P3 (SMPTE RP 431–2)
6 = ITU-R BT.2020
7 = Custom (details defined in another block)

0x27 Stereo display interface

0x27 Stereo display interface block is based on block 0x10and describes stereoscopic 3D/VR modes (i.e. timings codes and stereo frame formats) supported by the display.

Stereo Display Interface block[2]
Byte offset Bit/value Description/format
0 0x27 Stereo Display Interface block tag
1 Bits 2:0 Revision: 0, 1
Bits 7:6 Stereoscopic 3D Timing:

0 = 0b00 = block applies to all 3D timings
1 = 0b01 = block applies to 3D timings with specified Timing Code (block revision 1)
2 = 0b10 = block applies to all timings in any timing block
3 = 0b11 = block applies to timings with specified Timing Code (block revision 1)

2 (N+2) Number of payload bytes
3 (N+1) Number of bytes in Stereo Interface Method block
4 Stereo Interface Method code:

0 = Frame/Field Sequential (N=1)
1 = Side-by-Side (N=1)
2 = Pixel Interleaved (N=8)
3 = Dual Interface (N=1)
4 = Multi-view (N=2)
5 = Stacked Frame (N=1)
255 = Vendor defined (N=0)

5 Stereo Interface Method-specific Parameters (N bytes)
5+N 3D Timings descriptor 1
Bits 4:0 Timing Code number (M1, 1-31)
Bits 7:6 Timing Code Type:

0 = DMT
1 = CTA VIC code
2 = HDMI VIC code

(6+N+#M1) One-byte Timing Code #M1
(7+N+M1) 3D Timings descriptor 2
(6+N+M1+#M2) One-byte Timing Code #M2
Note: 3D Timings descriptors only exist when byte 1 bit 6 = 1
Stereo Display Interface Method-specific Parameters[2]
N, Bytes Bit/value Description/format
1 Method code: 0 = Frame/Field Sequential
Bit 0 Stereo Polarity:

0 = Stereo Sync on left eye image
1 = Stereo Sync on right eye image

1 1 = Side-by-Side
Bit 0 View Identify:

0 = Left half represents left eye image
1 = Left half represents right eye image

8 2 = Pixel Interleaved
Bits 7:0 Interleave pattern – 8x8 bit mask

0 = Pixel position for right eye image
1 = Pixel position for left eye image

1 3 = Dual Interface
Bit 0 Interface Left and Right Polarity:

0 = Interface carries right eye image
1 = Interface carries left eye image

Bits 2:1 Mirroring

0 = No mirroring
1 = Left/Right are mirrored
1 = Top/Bottom are mirrored

2 4 = Multi-view
Number of Views
View Interleaving Method Code
1 5 = Stacked Frame
Bit 0 View Identity:

0 = Top is left-eye image, bottom is right-eye image

0x28 Tiled display topology

0x28 Tiled display topology block describes displays that consist of multiple physical display panels, each driven by a separate video interface. It is based on block 0x12.

Tiled Display Topology block[2]
Byte offset Bit/value Description/format
0 0x28 Tiled Display Topology block tag
1 Bits 2:0 = 0 Revision
2 22 Number of payload bytes
3 Tiled Display and Tile Capabilities
Bits 2:0 Tile Behavior when the only tile being transmitted:

0 = None of the following
1 = Display at Tile Location (byte 5)
2 = Scale to fit the display
3 = Clone to other tiles

Bits 4:3 Tile Behavior when N tiles (1 < N < Max, N<>2) are being transmitted:

0 = None of the following
1 = Display at Tile Location (byte 5)

Bit 6 Tile Bezel Descriptor:

0 = Not available
1 = Available at bytes 11-15

Bit 7 Physical Display Enclosure:

0 = Multiple physical enclosures
1 = Single physical enclosure

4–6 Tiled Display Topology and Tile Location
4 Total Number of Tiles
Bits 3:0 Number of Vertical Tiles, 4-bit LSB
Bits 7:4 Number of Horizontal Tiles, 4-bit LSB
5 Tile Location
Bits 3:0 Vertical Tile Location, 4-bit LSB
Bits 7:4 Horizontal Tile Location, 4-bit LSB
6 Tile Location and Total Number of Tiles
Bits 1:0 Vertical Tile Location, 2-bit MSB
Bits 3:2 Horizontal Tile Location, 2-bit MSB
Bits 5:4 Number of Vertical Tiles, 2-bit MSB
Bits 7:6 Number of Horizontal Tiles, 2-bit MSB
7–10 Tile Size
Bits 7:0 Horizontal Size, 8-bit LSB
Bits 15:8 Horizontal Size, 8-bit MSB
Bits 23:16 Vertical Size, 8-bit LSB
Bits 31:24 Vertical Size, 8-bit MSB
11–15 Tile Pixel Multiplier and Tile Bezel-related Information
11 Tile Pixel Multiplier
12 Tile Top Bezel Size
13 Tile Bottom Bezel Size
14 Tile Right Bezel Size
15 Tile Left Bezel Size
Note: Tile Bezel in pixels = (Tile Pixel Multiplier × Tile Bezel Size × 0.1)
16–24 Tiled Display Topology ID
16–18 Tiled Display Manufacturer/Vendor ID
IEEE Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI)
19–20 Tiled Display Product ID LSB/MSB
21–24 Serial number, optional

0x29 Container ID

0x29 Container ID block defines a unique identifier used to associate additional devices that may be present in a multifunctional display.

ContainerID block[2]
Byte offset Bit/value Description/format
0 0x29 ContainerID block tag
1 Bits 2:0 = 0 Revision
2 16 Number of payload bytes
3–18 Bits 128:0 ContainerID
Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

0x7E Vendor-specific data

0x7E Vendor-specific data includes proprietary parameters which are not supported by DisplayID 2.0 structures.

Vendor-specific data block[2]
Byte offset Bit/value Description/format
0 0x7E Vendor-specific block tag
1 Bits 2:0 Revision
2 3–248 Number of payload bytes
3–5 Manufacturer/Vendor ID
IEEE Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI)
6–224 Payload bytes
VESA Vendor-specific data block[2]
Byte offset Bit/value Description/format
0 0x7E Vendor-specific block tag
1 Bits 2:0 = 1 Revision
2–4 0x3A0292 VESA OUI
5 Bits 2:0 Structure type:

0 = Embedded DisplayPort (eDP)
1 = External DisplayPort

Bit 7 Default Color space and EOTF handling:

0 = interpret "RGB unspecified color space" as sRGB Color space and EOTF
1 = interpret as "native" color space, EOTF is specified in the Display Parameters block 0x21

6 Bits 3:0 Number of horizontal pixels overlapping an adjacent panel segment: 0-8
Bits 6:5 Multi-SST operation:

0 = 0b00 = not supported (Conventional Single-Stream Transport)
1 = 0b01 = two streams (two or four links)
2 = 0b10 = four streams (four links)

7 Bits 5:0 Pass-through timing, integer target DSC bpp (bits per pixel)
8 Bits 3:0 Pass-through timing, fractional target DSC bpp (bits per pixel)

0x81 CTA DisplayID

0x81 CTA DisplayID block provides information on CTA-861 EDID timings.

CTA DisplayID block header[2]
Byte offset Bit/value Description/format
0 0x81 CTA DisplayID block tag
1 Bits 2:0 = 0 Revision
2 3–248 Number of payload bytes
3 CTA Block 1 Tag Code and Block 1 Length
Bits 4:0 Block 1 Length (L1)
Bits 7:5 Tag code (CTA-861-G)
4-L1 CTA Block 1 Descriptor #L1
(L1+2) CTA Block 2 Tag Code and Block 2 Length

DisplayID 1.3 structures

Version 1.3 information blocks 0x10-0x1F borrow heavily from EDID 1.4 standard, which was designed for previous generation CRT/LCD/DLP/PDP displays.

Variable-length DisplayID section structure, version 1.3[3]
Byte offset Value Mandatory Description
0 0x12 Green tickY DisplayID Version 1, Revision 3
2 0–15 Green tickY Display Type Identifier:

0 = Extension section – same use case as the Base section
1 = Test structure (generated by testing equipment)
2 = Display panel
3 = Monitor
4 = Television
5 = Repeater
6 = Direct-drive monitor

The following block types are defined:

Data block types [3]
Block tag Name
0x00 Product identification
0x01 Display parameters
0x02 Color characteristics
0x03 Type I timing – detailed
0x04 Type II timing – detailed
0x05 Type III timing – short
0x06 Type IV timing – DMT ID code
0x07 VESA timing standard
0x08 CEA Timing Standard
0x09 Video timing range
0x0A Product serial number
0x0B General-purpose ASCII string
0x0C Display device data
0x0D Interface power sequencing
0x0E Transfer characteristics
0x0F Display interface data
0x10 Stereo display interface
0x11 Type V timing – short
0x13 Type VI timing – detailed
0x7F Vendor specific

Note: where indicated, only the difference from similar/superseding structures in Version 2.0 are shown in the sections below.

0x00 Product identification

0x00 Product identification – superseded by 0x20. The difference is:

Product Identification block[3]
Byte offset Bit/value Description/format
0 0x00 Product identification block tag
3–5 Manufacturer/vendor ID
Microsoft ISA Plug&Play ID (PnPID)

0x01 Display parameters

0x01 Display parameters – superseded by 0x21. The differences are:

Display Parameters block[3]
Byte offset Bit/value Description/format
0 0x01 Display parameters block tag
11 Feature-support flags
Bit 0 Deinterlacing
Bit 1 Support_AI in ACP/ISRC packets
Bit 2 Single fixed pixel format only
Bit 3 Single fixed timing only
Bit 4 VESA display power management
Bit 5 Audio input override
Bit 6 Separate audio inputs
Bit 7 Audio support
0 = no support/no

1 = supported/yes

12 Transfer characteristic gamma EOTF (1.00–3.54), stored value = (Gamma × 100) – 100 = (Gamma – 1) × 100 (255=unspecified)
13 Aspect ratio = long axis / short axis (1.00–3.55), stored value = (AR – 1) × 100 (78 for 16:9)
14 Color bit depth
Bits 3:0 Panel native dynamic range, stored value = bpc – 1
Bits 7:4 Display device overall dynamic range, stored value = bpc – 1

0x02 Color characteristics

0x02 Color characteristics – superseded by 0x21 Display parameters.

Color characteristics block[3]
Byte offset Bit/value Description/format
0 0x02 Color characteristics block tag
1 Bits 2:0 = 1 Revision
Bits 6:3 Transfer characteristic block number
(block 0x0E)
Bit 7 Color space information:

0 = uses CIE 1931 (x,y) coordinates (default)
1 = uses CIE 1976 (u',v') coordinates

2 (Np + Nw) × 3 [ + 1 ] Number of payload bytes; add 1 if Np=0
3 Color characteristics information
Bits 3:0 Number of white points (Nw)
Bits 6:4 Number of primaries (Np)
(0=Standard color space, additional Identifier byte is added to the block payload)
Bit 7 Color mode:

0 = Spatial – separate subpixels for each primary color
1 = Temporal – field-sequential color (DLP)

4–6 Color primary or white point chromaticity
Bits 7:0 x/u' value, 8-bit LSB,
Standard color space identifier code if Np=0:

0 = sRGB (IEC 61966-2-1)
1 = ITU-R BT.601
2 = ITU-R BT.709
3 = Adobe RGB
4 = DCI-P3 (SMPTE RP 431–2)
6 = PAL (ITU-R BT.470)
7 = Adobe Wide Gamut RGB
8 = DICOM (PS3.14 Grayscale standard display function)

Bits 11:8 x/u' value, 4-bit MSB
Bits 15:12 y/v' value, 4-bit LSB
Bits 23:16 y/v' value, 8-bit MSB
Notes: Chromaticity values use 12-bit fractional integer numbers (bit12 × 2−1 + ... + bit0 × 2−12)

0x03 Type I detailed timings

0x03 Type I detailed timings – superseded by 0x22 type VII detailed timings. The differences are:

Type I – Detailed timing block header[2]
Byte offset Bit/value Description/format
0 0x03 Detailed timing block tag
1 Bits 2:0 = 1 Revision
Type I Detailed timing descriptor[2]
Byte offset Bit/value Description/format
0–2 Pixel clock, 10 kHz steps (0.01–167,772.16 MPix/s)
3 Timing options
Bits 3:0 Aspect ratio:

8 = Not defined

0x04 Type II detailed timings

0x04 Type II detailed timings block provides a compressed structure with less precise pixel coordinates and reduced blank intervals comparing to Type I:

Type II – Detailed timing block header[2]
Byte offset Bit/value Description/format
0 0x04 Detailed timing block tag
1 Bits 2:0 = 0 Revision
2 11–242 Number of payload bytes (N × 11, 1 ≤ N ≤ 22)
Type II Detailed timing descriptor[2]
Byte offset Bit/value Description/format
0–2 Pixel clock, 10 kHz steps (0.01–167,772.16 MPix/s)
3 Timing options
Bit 2 Vertical sync polarity:

0 = negative
1 = positive

Bit 3 Horizontal sync polarity:

0 = negative
1 = positive

4 Horizontal active image pixels, 8-bit LSB
5 Bits 7:1 Horizontal blank pixels
Bit 0 Horizontal active image pixels, 1-bit MSB
6 Horizontal sync offset (front porch) and width
Bits 3:0 Sync offset (front porch)
Bits 7:4 Sync width
7 Vertical active image lines, 8-bit LSB
8 Bits 4:0 Vertical active image pixels, 4-bit MSB
9 Vertical blank lines
10 Vertical sync offset (front porch) and width
Bits 3:0 Sync offset (front porch)
Bits 7:4 Sync width
Note: For all pixel dimensions, stored value = (Pixels / 8) – 1

0x05 Type III short timings

0x05 Type III short timings block provides a very short compressed structure which uses formula-based CVT timings.

Type III – Short timing block header[2]
Byte offset Bit/value Description/format
0 0x05 Short timing block tag
1 Bits 2:0 = 1 Revision
2 6–248 Number of payload bytes (N × 3, 1 ≤ N ≤ 82)
Type III short timing descriptor[2]
Byte offset Bit/value Description/format
0 Timing options
Bits 6:4 Timing formula/algorithm

0 = CVT
1 = CVT-RB

Bits 3:0 Aspect ratio
1 Horizontal active image pixels
2 Frame transfer type and rate
Bit 7 Frame transfer type:

0 = progressive
1 = field interlaced

Note: For all pixel dimensions, stored value = (Pixels / 8) – 1

0x06 Type IV short timings

0x06 Type IV short timing (DMT ID code) block uses video mode codes defined in VESA display monitor timings standard, as well as video information codes defined by CTA-861 and HDMI. Superseded by 0x23 enumerated timing.

Type IV – Short timing DMT ID code header[2]
Byte offset Bit/value Description/format
0 0x06 Type IV – Short timing (DMT ID code) block tag
1 Bits 2:0 = 1 Revision
Bits 7:6 Timing code type:

0 = DMT
1 = CTA VIC code
2 = HDMI VIC code

2 1–248 Number of payload bytes

0x11 Type V short timings

0x11 Type V short timings block is based on Type III short timings block 0x05, but provides greater pixel precision and only supports CVT-RB. Superseded by 0x24 Type IX formula-based timings.

Type V – Short timing header[2]
Byte offset Bit/value Description/format
0 0x11 Type V – Short timing block tag
1 Bits 2:0 = 0 Revision
2 6–248 Number of payload bytes (N × 7, 1 ≤ N ≤ 35)
Type V short timing descriptor[2]
Byte offset Bit/value Description/format
0 Timing options
Bits 1:0 Timing formula/algorithm

0 = CVT-RB2
1 = CVT-RB

Bit 4 NTSC Video optimized refresh rate × (1000/1001):

0 = not supported
1 = supported

Bits 6:5 Stereoscopic 3D:

0 = Mono timing
1 = 3D stereo timing
2 = Mono or 3D stereo depending on user action

Bit 7 Preferred timing:

1 = preferred detailed timing

1–2 Horizontal active image pixels
3–4 Vertical active image lines
5 Vertical Refresh Rate, Hz (1–256)

0x13 Type VI detailed timing

0x13 Type VI Detailed timing block supports higher precision pixel clock and high-resolution timings. This block is based on Type I block 0x03, but allows greater timings precision using 1 kHz steps instead of 10 kHz. Superseded by 0x22 Type VII Detailed timings.

Type VI – Detailed timing block header[2]
Byte offset Bit/value Description/format
0 0x13 Type VI detailed timing block tag
1 Bits 2:0 = 0 Revision
2 Number of payload bytes (N × 17 + M × 14)
Type VI Detailed timing descriptor[2]
Byte offset Bit/value Description/format
0–2 Pixel clock, kHz (0.001–4,194.303 MPix/s)
Bits 7:0 8-bit LSB
Bits 15:8 8-bit middle bits
Bits 21:16 6-bit MSB
Bit 22 Aspect and size information:

0 = not included
1 = included in bytes 14–16

Bit 23 Preferred timing:

0 = not a preferred detailed timing
1 = preferred detailed timing

3–4 Horizontal active image pixels & timing
Bits 7:0 Horizontal active image pixels, 8-bit LSB
Bits 14:8 Horizontal active image pixels, 7-bit MSB
Bit 16 Horizontal Sync Polarity:

0 = negative
1 = positive

5–6 Vertical active image lines & timing
Bits 7:0 Vertical active image lines, 8-bit LSB
Bits 14:8 Vertical active image lines, 7-bit MSB
Bit 16 Vertical Sync Polarity:

0 = negative
1 = positive

7–9 Horizontal blank pixels & front porch
Bits 7:0 Horizontal blank pixels, 8-bit LSB
Bits 15:8 Horizontal offset (front porch), 8-bit LSB
Bits 19:16 Horizontal blank pixels, 4-bit MSB
Bits 23:20 Horizontal offset (front porch), 4-bit MSB
10 Horizontal Sync Width
11 Vertical Blank Lines
12 Vertical Sync offset (front porch)
13 Vertical Sync Width and Timing
Bits 3:0 Vertical Sync Width
Bits 6:5 Stereoscopic 3D:

0 = mono timing
1 = 3D stereo timing
2 = mono or 3D stereo depending on user action

Bit 7 Frame scanning type:

0 = progressive
1 = interlaced

14 Aspect multiplier, aspect ratio = Aspect Multiplier × 3 / 256
15–16 Vertical image base size and size multiplier
Bits 7:0 Vertical image base size, 8-bit LSB
Bits 11:8 Vertical image base size, 4-bit MSB
Bits 15:12 Size Multiplier
Vertical image size = Vertical image base size × Size Multiplier

0x09 Video timing range limits

0x09 Video timing range limits block describes displays capable of variable timings. Superseded by 0x25 Dynamic video timings range.

Video timing range limits block[2]
Byte offset Bit/value Description/format
0 0x09 Video timing range limits block tag
1 Bits 2:0 = 0 Revision
2 9 Number of payload bytes
3–5 Minimum pixel clock, 10 kHz steps
6–8 Maximum pixel clock, 10 kHz steps
9 Minimum Horizontal Frequency, kHz
10 Maximum Horizontal Frequency, kHz
11–12 Minimum Horizontal Blanking Pixels
13 Minimum Vertical Refresh Rate, Hz
14 Maximum Vertical Refresh Rate, Hz
15–16 Minimum Vertical Blanking Lines
17 Video timing support flags
Bit 4 Discrete frequency display
Bit 7 Interlaced
0 = no support/no

1 = supported/yes

0x0C Display device data

0x0C Display device data block provides information about display panel characteristics for embedded applications, such as display technology, panel type, and pixel response times.

Display device data block[2]
Byte offset Bit/value Description/format
0 0x0C Display device data block tag
1 Bits 2:0 = 0 Revision
2 13 Number of payload bytes
3 Display device technology and sub-type codes
Bits 7:0 CRT

0=0x00 = Monochrome CRT
1=0x01 = Tricolor CRT
2=0x02 = Other CRT
16=0x10 = Passive matrix TN (HTN, STN)
17=0x11 = Passive matrix cholesteric LC
18=0x12 = Passive matrix ferroelectric LC
19=0x13 = Other passive matrix LC
20=0x14 = Active matrix TN
21=0x15 = Active matrix IPS
22=0x16 = Active matrix VA
22=0x16 = Active matrix OCB
22=0x16 = Active matrix ferroelectric
31=0x1F = Other LC
Plasma display (PDP)
32=0x20 = DC plasma
33=0x21 = AC plasma
Other display technology
48=0x30 = Electroluminescent (except OLED/OEL)
64=0x40 = Inorganic LED
80=0x50 = OLED/OEL
96=0x60 = FED/SED (cold-cathode, phosphor-based)
112=0x70 = Electrophoretic
128=0x80 = Electrochromic
144=0x90 = Electromechanic
160=0xA0 = Electrowetting
240=0xF0 = Other

Bits 7:4 Display Technology, 4-bit MSB

0 = CRT
1 = LCD
2 = PDP
3 = ELD
4 = LED
7 = Ep
8 = Ec
9 = Em
10=0xA = Ew
15=0xF = Other

4 Display Device Operating Mode & Flags
Bit 2 Backlight can be switched off
Bit 3 Backlight intensity can be controlled
0 = no support/no

1 = supported/yes

Bits 7:4 Operating Mode code:

0 = Direct-view reflective, ambient lighting (no illumination)
1 = Direct-view reflective, illuminated, ambient lighting (no illumination) by default
2 = Direct-view reflective, illuminated
3 = Direct-view transmissive, ambient lighting (no illumination)
4 = Direct-view transmissive, illuminated, ambient lighting (no illumination) by default
5 = Direct-view transmissive, illuminated
6 = Direct-view emissive
7 = Direct-view transflective, reflective (backlight off) by default
8 = Direct-view transflective, transmissive (backlight on) by default
9 = Transparent, viewable in ambient light
10 = Transparent emissive
11 = Projection, reflective light modulator (DLP/LCOS)
12 = Projection, transmissive light modulator (LCD projection)
13 = Projection, emissive image transducer (CRT projection)

5–8 Display Device Native Pixel Format
5–6 Horizontal pixel count
7–8 Vertical pixel count
9–10 Aspect Ratio and Orientation
9 Aspect Ratio = long axis / short axis (1.00–3.55), stored value = (AR – 1) × 100 (78 for 16:9)
10 Orientation
Bits 1:0 Scan direction:

0 = Not defined/no raster scan
1 = Line (fast scan) on long axis, frame/field (slow scan) on short axis
2 = Line (fast scan) on short axis, frame/field (slow scan) on long axis

Bits 3:2 Zero pixel location:

0 = Upper left corner
1 = Upper right corner
2 = Lower left corner
3 = Lower right corner

Bits 5:4 Rotation capability:

0 = No rotation
1 = Clockwise 90°
2 = Counter-clockwise 90°
2 = 90° in either direction

Bits 7:6 Orientation:

0 = Landscape (horizontal long axis)
1 = Portrait (vertical long axis)
2 = Not fixed (can be rotated by user)

11 RGB Sub-pixel Information codes:

0 = Not defined
1 = RGB vertical stripes
2 = RGB horizontal stripes
3 = Vertical stripes, ordered as in Display Chromaticity block
4 = Horizontal stripes, ordered as in Display Chromaticity block
5 = RGGB 2x2 quad structure, red at top left, blue at bottom right
6 = RGGB 2x2 quad structure, red at bottom left, blue at top right
7 = Triad (delta)
8 = Mosaic (delta)
9 = RGBE/RGBW 2x2 quad structure, any order
10 = Five subpixels – RGB vertical and two colors above and below
11 = Six subpixels – RGB vertical and three colors in any order
11 = PenTile

12 Horizontal Pixel Pitch, in 0.01 mm steps (0.01% for projection)
13 Vertical Pixel pitch, in 0.01 mm steps (0.01% for projection)
14 Color Bit Depth
Bits 3:0 Panel native dynamic range, stored value = bpc – 1
15 Response Time
Bits 6:0 Pixel response time, in ms (clamped to 0 and 126)
Bit 7 Measurement method:

0 = Black to white (lower to higher) transition
1 = White to black (higher to lower) transition

0x0F Display interface data

Display interface features block – superseded by 0x26 Display Interface Features.

Display Interface Data block[2]
Byte offset Bit/value Description/format
0 0x0F Display Interface Features block tag
1 Bits 2:0 = 0 Revision
2 10 Number of payload bytes
3 Interface Type and Number of Links
Bits 3:0 Number of links (1, 2, or 4),

Analog sub-type (if bits 7:4 = 0):
0 = 15HD/VGA (VESA EDDC Standard)
1 = VESA NAVI-V (15HD)

Bits 7:4 Display Interface Type:

0 = Analog
1 = LVDS (generic)
2 = TMDS (generic)
3 = RSDS (generic)
4 = DVI-D
5 = DVI-I, analog
6 = DVI-I, digital
7 = HDMI-A
8 = HDMI-B (dual link)
9 = MDDI
10 = DisplayPort
11 = Proprietary digital interface

4 Interface Standard Version and Revision
Bits 3:0 Interface revision
Bits 7:4 Interface version
5 Color Depth Support, RGB encoding
Bit 0 6 bpc
Bit 1 8 bpc
Bit 2 10 bpc
Bit 3 12 bpc
Bit 4 14 bpc
Bit 5 16 bpc
0 = no support

1 = supported

6 Color Depth Support, YCbCr 4:4:4 encoding
7 Color Depth Support, YCbCr 4:2:2 encoding
Bit 0 8 bpc
Bit 1 10 bpc
Bit 2 12 bpc
Bit 3 14 bpc
Bit 4 16 bpc
0 = no support

1 = supported

8 Content Protection support:

0 = No support
1 = HDCP
2 = DTCP
3 = DPCP

9 Content Protection Standard Version and Revision
Bits 3:0 Standard revision
Bits 7:4 Standard version
10 Spread Spectrum Information
Bits 3:0 Spread percentage, in 0.1% increments (range 0 to 1.5%)
Bits 7:6 Spread type supported:

0 = No support
1 = Down spread
2 = Center spread

11 Interface type dependent attribute 1
Bit 0 3.3 V
Bit 1 5 V
Bit 2 12 V
Bit 3 2.8 V
0 = no support

1 = supported

Bit 4 Color mapping:

0 = NS (Normal) mode
1 = 6-bit compatible mode

12 Interface type dependent attribute 2
Bit 0 Shift clock data strobe:

0 = Falling edge
1 = Rising edge

Bit 1 DE polarity:

0 = Active high (high signal level)
1 = Active low (low signal level)

Bit 2 DE mode :

0 = DE (data enable) mode
1 = Fixed mode (VSync/HSync)

Additional blocks

Data blocks not described above are:

0x0A Serial number data block provides product serial number as an ASCII string.

0x0B General-purpose ASCII string block provides general purpose text strings that may be required by specific applications.

0xD0 Interface power sequencing block defines display interface signal timings required for entering and exiting sleep mode.

0x0E Transfer characteristics block defines detailed gamma curves according to VESA display transfer characteristic data block (DTCDB) standard, as may be required by byte 1 in 0x02 color characteristics block.

0x10 Stereo display interface block describes stereoscopic 3D/VR modes – superseded by 0x27 Ssereo display interface.

0x12 Tiled display topology data block defines multi-panel displays – superseded by 0x28 tiled display topology.

0x7F Vendor specific block defines proprietary vendor data.

See also


  1. ^ "VESA Refreshes DisplayID Standard to Support Higher Resolutions and Tiled Displays". vesa.org. 2013-09-23. Retrieved 2013-12-24.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af VESA DisplayID Standard, Version 2.0. September 11, 2017
  3. ^ a b c d e VESA DisplayID Standard, Version 1.3. July 5, 2013