In 2015, Elkaslassy directed the second season of the television series Breaking Waves. The show was nominated for Best Youth Program that year, and I received a Best Director nomination at the Israeli Television Academy Awards. In 2016, she was awarded a grant from the Yehoshua Rabinovitch Foundation for the Arts to develop a feature-length screenplay based on my short film, Here I am… There you are.
In 2017, Elkaslassy directed two short films for the Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel. The Ministry of Education continues to screen these films in high schools across the country to this day. That same year, her original story "Arugam Bay" was adapted into an international television series. The screenplay was written with the assistance of the Israel Film Fund.
The film was shot in August 2022 in Israel and Sri Lanka, directed by Marco Carmel, and is currently in the post-production stages.
2010 - Hayerusha (short) written and directed
2011 - My Girl (short) written, directed, and acted
2012 - Pretty Mess (short) written, directed, and acted