The former department's role was to develop social policies and support affected Australian society and the living standards of Australian families. The Office of Indigenous Policy Coordination was a part of FaHCSIA. In the Administrative Arrangements Order of 3 December 2007, the functions of the department were broadly classified into the following matters:[6]
Income security policies and programs for families with children, carers, the aged and people in hardship
Services for families with children, people with disabilities and carers
Community support services, excluding the Home and Community Care program
Family relationship services
Housing policy co-ordination, welfare housing and rent assistance
Women's policies and programs
Indigenous policy co-ordination and the promotion of reconciliation
Dr Jeff Harmer (3 December 2007 to April 2011). Harmer had been appointed Secretary of the previous Department of Families and Community Services in October 2004.[8][9]
Mr Finn Pratt (April 2011 to 18 September 2013).[8]