The Deer Commission for Scotland was an executive non-departmental body of the Scottish Government. It was responsible for the conservation, control and sustainable management of all species of wild deer in Scotland. It also acted as the Government's advisor on deer-related matters.
The Commission had statutory roles under the 1996 Act. These included: Authorisations which granted the power to cull deer in circumstances when they would not normally have the legal right to shoot them (e.g. if they are causing damage); and Statutory Returns which individuals or organisations have to complete to provide the Commission with details of culls performed.
In addition, the Commission had a consultancy role including publishing Best Practice Guidelines and Annual Cull Targets.[5]
It has been claimed that the compulsory slaughter the Commission carries out has driven foreign shooters away, with critics claiming that this is 'killing' the £100 million Scottish deer-stalking industry, with so few stags to shoot that many return to their countries emptyhanded.[6]