Dawson Gurley, also known as Big Daws, is an AmericanYouTube personality, known for the channel Big Daws TV (stylized BigDawsTv) consisting of pranks, with a second channel called BigDawsVlogs consisting of vlogs and extra footage from his main channel.[1][2][3]
Gurley started making videos when he was 11 years old, inspired by Jackass movie after receiving a camera as gift for Christmas from his parents.[1] Gurley started his YouTube career in 2012, filming videos on the campus of Arizona State University.[1] Some of his videos started going viral in 2014.[4][5][3] Through the Golden State Warriors' championship runs of the late 2010s-early 2020s, he became prominent among the team's fanbase for bearing a striking resemblance to star player Klay Thompson. Gurley reportedly tried to use that to his advantage by gaining access to the Chase Center court prior to Game 5 of the 2022 NBA Finals, which led to the team permanently banning him from the arena.[6]