United States Naval Academy Naval War College Temple University
David Alan Rosenberg (born 1948) is a military historian, and was Admiral Harry W. Hill Chair of Maritime Strategy at the National War College from 1996 to 2003[1] and held the Class of 1957 Distinguished Chair of Naval Heritage at the United States Naval Academy in 2015–2016.[2]
"The Origins of Overkill: Nuclear Weapons and American Strategy 1945 - 1960", International Security, 7 No. 4 Spring 1983
"Being "Red": The Challenge of Taking the Soviet Side in War Games at the Naval War College". Naval War College Review 41:81-93 Winter '88
"Pincher : campaign plans", America's plans for war against the Soviet Union, 1945-1950, New York : Garland Pub., 1989. ISBN978-0-8240-7153-0
"Admiral Arleigh Burke: Instinct", Joseph J Thomas, Ed., Leadership Embodied: The Secrets to Success of the Most Effective Navy and Marine Corps Leaders (Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 2005): 145–149.
The admirals' advantage: U.S. Navy operational intelligence in World War II and the Cold War, Authors Christopher A. Ford, David Alan Rosenberg, Randy Carol Balano, Naval Institute Press, 2005, ISBN978-1-59114-282-9