The Darkest Powers is a series of paranormal novels by Kelley Armstrong. The series revolves around The Edison Group, a team of supernatural scientists, and the subjects they have experimented on. The novels are divided into two trilogies. The Summoning, The Awakening, and The Reckoning comprise The Darkest Powers trilogy, which follows fifteen-year-old necromancer Chloe Saunders.[1]The Gathering, The Calling, and The Rising comprise The Darkness Rising trilogy, which follows a sixteen-year-old girl named Maya Delaney.[2]
This story takes place right after the reckoning where Tori learns that Kit is her actual father.
Dangerous, Divided and Disenchanted are no longer available in the Edison Archives. In late September 2011, they will be released as a "Darkest Powers bonus pack." This will be available via eBook.[3]