The second season of Dance Moms, an Americandancereality television created by Collins Avenue Productions, began airing on January 10, 2012 on Lifetime's television network. The season concluded on September 25, 2012. A total of 28 official episodes and 2 special episodes (Abby's Most OMG Moments, Abby's Dance-A-Thon) aired this season.
The second season continues after the release of Chloe's music video. The dancers of the Abby Lee Dance Company, and their mothers return for another season of dance competitions. In this season, new dance moms and dancers are introduced into both the Abby Lee Dance Company and Candy Apples Dance Center.
The second season featured thirteen star billing cast members with various other dancers and moms appearing throughout the season.
It is the start of the new competition season, and Vivi-Anne's position on the team is soon replaced by new dancer, Kendall. Payton, a Senior dancer, had also auditioned for the spot but is doted for being too tall, which upsets her mother, Leslie. Meanwhile, Kendall's mother, Jill, quickly befriends Melissa, whereas the other mothers are hesitant to accept her due to rumors of being a "studio hopper". Additionally, Mackenzie learns she has come of age to perform in the Elite Team's group routines.
The ALDC and Candy Apples Dance Center are to perform at the upcoming competition for the first time this season. Abby rehearses a group routine entitled "Bad Apples" reflecting Abby's relationship with Cathy. Brooke is given a solo to compete in the Junior Division and is scheduled to compete head-to-head against one of the Candy Apples' dancers. At competition, both Brooke and a Candy Apples' dancer are questioned for age discrepancy.
Brooke is to be a role model for the younger dancers, but would like a change of pace and tries out for cheerleading. Abby does not notice Brooke's absence until later, and almost pulls the group routine, which had Brooke perform the featured role. The mothers are on the fence about Kelly's decision to allow Brooke to leave mid-season, and an angered Abby attends competition without Kelly. Meanwhile, the Candy Apples ready a group routine using Vivi-Anne to lower the median age.
With Brooke off the team, Abby brings in Payton, to replace her, which worries Jill about Kendall's position on the team. Abby rehearses a new group routine, and gives Nia the featured role. Holly objects to Nia's character and the role is given to Payton. At competition, Payton makes rude comments backstage, which challenges her position on the team. Meanwhile, a disheartened Paige is replaced by Kendall in the trio with Chloe and Maddie, with whom Paige has danced with since they were four years old.
Brooke tires of cheerleading and has a heart-to-heart with Abby about returning to dance. At pyramid, it appears that Payton would be at the top, but Brooke's return places her there, and Abby informs Brooke that she has to win her division in order to stay. Meanwhile, Chloe is given the featured role in the group dance, and Jill is upset that the role was not given to Kendall. In an effort to get on Abby's good graces, Jill schedules a masseur to come to the studio for Abby.
"Jill on the Rampage"[1] "Wardrobe Malfunction" or "The Dance Detectives"[6]
When the competition is suddenly cancelled, Abby scrambles to find a new one. Meanwhile, Mackenzie is placed at the top of the pyramid for the first time after her big win at last week's competition. This week, the girls are each assigned a solo and the mothers are asked to design their own costume, and Abby is livid to discover that Jill purchased one for Kendall. At competition, Maddie falls during her routine and is escorted off stage. Additionally, Payton is spotted at the CADC open-call auditions.
Based on last week's standings, Paige is finally at the top of the pyramid and Maddie is at the bottom. Paige runs out of rehearsal crying, to which Jill cites as a way to get Kendall in the trio. At competition, Paige, Chloe, and Maddie perform as their award winning trio, and Jill is seen talking to members of her former studio saying that Kendall's abilities are not being well utilized. Meanwhile, Abby performs a group routine in which the girls use guns as props, which concerns the mothers.
After being put back on probation, Jill sends Kendall to a studio where she would feel more appreciated: Candy Apples Dance Center. At competition, Abby is surprised to find Kendall dancing with the Candy Apples, and Nia worries that they will compete head-to-head. The ALDC performs a wedding themed group routine reflecting Melissa's talked-about secret, whereas the Candy Apples perform a funeral themed routine. Additionally, Kendall performs a solo using Abby's choreography.
Note: Jill and Kendall leave the ALDC and join the Candy Apples.
Abby rehearses a group routine that involves the girls using large feathers as props. The mothers are outraged when they discover that the costumes for the dance make the girls appear nude on stage. Meanwhile, Abby is infuriated after learning that Chloe missed rehearsal to appear in a commercial for Cathy's husband's business. At competition, the mothers throw a surprise engagement party for Melissa, and Holly leads the girls out when a stripper arrives.
Note: Due to negative critical response regarding the subject matter, this episode has been removed from rotation.[11]
Abby rehearses a beach themed group routine, which excites the girls. Paige is scheduled to go to the doctor to have her plantar warts removed, but is worried about her spot in the trio because of the pain. Nia, also, is absent from rehearsal and is concerned for her solo being under-rehearsed. At competition, Nia forgets her solo and rushes off stage, but is given a second chance. Meanwhile, Cathy schedules a special performance for Kendall at a Harlem Globetrotters exhibition.
Melissa is frustrated that the other mothers continue to ask her about her pending nuptials and has her lawyer pen a letter telling them to back off. The mothers appear disgusted by it, and when confronted, Melissa tells Abby she selects to stay home this weekend, which upsets Maddie. Meanwhile, Nia is placed in the trio, and Abby gives her tips on how to recover when she forgets part of the routine on stage. At competition, a Candy Apples dancer falls on-stage and has to be rushed to the hospital.
Abby learns of an upcoming Joffrey Ballet School Summer Intensive audition, and awaits the ALDC's invitation. Nia twists her ankle during rehearsal, but is concerned about the pain. Meanwhile, after overhearing the mothers' chatter, Abby rehearses a group routine reflecting the subject matter of her newfound secret. At competition, when the group routine does not place, Abby fears the ALDC will not be picked to audition. Additionally, Abby wants Nia to learn from Chloe's on-stage mishap.
The ALDC is in New York City preparing to audition for Joffrey Ballet School, and not far behind them are the Candy Apples. Meanwhile, Kendall is scheduled to go head-to-head against Maddie and Chloe at competition. Sadly, Maddie forgets her routine and runs off stage, begging for a second chance, but is disqualified. Abby shows emotion for Maddie's onstage mishap, and when the mothers confront Abby about not feeling hurt about the other girls, Abby leaves the mothers behind.
Maddie is only allowed to perform in this week's group routine after running off stage at last week's competition. Chloe finds herself at the top of the pyramid for the first time this season, and is given a copious amount of dances to learn. When Abby asks the girls to critique each other's dancing, Chloe feels stressed and leaves rehearsal. At competition, Maddie still refuses to dance her solo despite being listed as performing. Meanwhile, the mothers begin to lose trust in Abby's choreography, calling it stale.
A saddened Maddie appears on the bottom of the pyramid for the first time based on her behavior last week. Although fearing under-confidence, Maddie says she's ready to dance her solo this week. At competition, Maddie dances to a scratched CD and the mothers question if she expected the music to be ruined. Meanwhile, Holly is given the difficult task of creating zombie-inspired costumes for the group routine. Additionally, Kelly's behavior forces Abby to pull both Paige's and Brooke's solos.
The girls rehearse a group routine in which they use a large prop. When the girls complain about its weight, the prop gets switched for a lighter one that does not show well on stage. While preparing costumes for the dance, the girls are asked to switch outfits with each other despite their size differences. Meanwhile, based on Kelly's previous behavior, Abby explains how she could have had the girls expelled. Additionally, Mackenzie's solo finishes first place and earns her her first title award.
Brooke is excused from competing this weekend, and Payton is used as her swing in the group routine. In the mezzanine, the mothers confront Leslie about Payton's supposed meanness toward the younger dancers. In an ironic twist, Payton is given the featured role in the group routine portraying a huntress. Meanwhile, Abby tells Melissa sneak away from the competition after her solo for Maddie to compete down the road from the ALDC, hoping to continue building her confidence if she wins in both contests.
Abby eagerly wants to defeat the Candy Apples after a humiliating loss when they last competed against each other. Abby invites three Senior dances to join this week's group routine, and bumps up the choreography. Meanwhile, Kelly is concerned that Paige's solo routine is unchallenging and selects to re-choreograph the dance for her, which upsets Abby. Additionally, Cathy has hires two new choreographers to help with the Candy Apples' and produce a solo for Kendall, which Jill feels is poorly rehearsed.
Payton is invited to dance in this week's group routine to replace Mackenzie due to the dance's sensitive theme. Chloe secretly misses rehearsal after Christi allows her to attend an overnight school trip. Leslie uses her absence as a chance for Payton to learn a new solo, but Payton feels under-rehearsed at competition. Meanwhile, the ALDC and the Candy Apples audition for a small role on Drop Dead Diva. Additionally, a fight between the mothers breaks out during Kelly's birthday celebration.
Everyone is stunned to see Jill and Kendall walk in during pyramid, and Kendall is quickly placed on probation. Abby announces she has invited a Senior male dancer to perform in the group routine, which the girls seem excited about. At competition, an argument ensues after Abby finds Jill tying a ribbon in Kendall's hair. Meanwhile, Maddie learns she earned the coveted role on Drop Dead Diva. Additionally, Paige gets seriously injured backstage.
Paige learns she is out for six weeks due to a broken foot, and Jill seizes the opportunity to get Kendall in the strongly requested duet with Chloe. With one child already injured, bad news is compounded with Kelly learns of Brooke's sudden back pain. Brooke selects to pull her solo routine, which upsets Abby. Meanwhile, Maddie has to deal with packed schedule having the featured role in the group routine, learning a new solo, and leaving to film Drop Dead Diva.
Cathy finally discovers that Jill has returned to the ALDC, and plots her revenge at the upcoming competition. When Abby learns about the Candy Apple's last minute sign-up, Abby asks Maddie to learn a solo the day prior, but Melissa says "no", leaving Chloe to defend the ALDC. Meanwhile, Abby rehearses a new group routine, and Maddie, again, gets the featured role. The mothers are concerned about dance's theme, and Melissa gets criticized about favoritism between the girls.
This week is the ALDC annual recital, and Abby is very stressed. The girls rehearse a new group routine to a genre they feel uncomfortable in, only to allow Paige to perform without putting much weight on her injured foot. Jill invites the Candy Apples to the recital to show off what Kendall has been learning, but Cathy uses her attendance as an opportunity to scout new dancers. Meanwhile, Abby is intrigued when a new mother, Kaya, asks for an audition for her daughter, Nicaya.
"New Girl in Town"[1] "One Danced Over the Cuckoo's Nest"[6]
Abby's new dancer, Nicaya, is not very knowledgeable of her dance terminology, and is unsure if either she or Paige should perform in the group routine, despite Paige being cleared to dance by her doctor. At competition, both girls perform, to criticism from Abby. Backstage, the mothers band together in an effort to nag Kaya, but after a verbal altercation, Abby asks Kaya to leave citing disrespect and boisterous behavior, and scolds the mothers for driving away another dancer.
There is only one week left, and each girl must prove herself if she wants to dance at Nationals. Abby assigns each girl a solo, except Maddie. Later, a saddened Maddie asks if she dance, and Abby gives in. Meanwhile, Kelly takes Brooke to a recording studio, and has asked the other girls to sing back up, and allows Abby to produce her music video. Additionally, Paige is worried about her simplified solo as Abby is unsure about her development from injury.
The pressure is on to see who gets to dance at Nationals this weekend. Abby rehearses a group routine of a serious nature entitled "The Last Text", and the mothers are concerned about the dance's mature theme. Meanwhile, the Candy Apples are readying for the National competition, and Cathy has produced a dance to go head-to-head against both Maddie and Chloe. At competition, the ALDC pulls a clean sweep with Chloe earning a title award, as do Mackenzie and Brooke.