Daisy Quokka: World's Scariest Animal is a 2020 Australian animated comedy film directed by Ricard Cussó and written by Ryan Greaves. Financed by Screen Queensland and Screen Australia, it is the third film in Like a Photon Creative's The Tales from Sanctuary City franchise.[4] The plot concerns the unbearably adorable but optimistic quokka named Daisy who has the impossible dream of winning the city's World's Scariest Animal competition.[5][6] The film opened with a limited release in Australia in 4 February 2021[7] due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cinemas and on October 29 in the United States.[8]
When an unbearably adorable, eternally optimistic Quokka named Daisy wants to achieve the impossible – to win the annual 'World's Scariest Animal' championship, she enlists the guidance of a washed-up, former champion, a grouchy Saltwater Crocodile, to help her achieve her dreams and prove that champions can come in all sizes.
The film had its world premiere at the Children's International Film Festival (CHIFF) in Australia on 28 November 2020.[9] Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cinemas, Daisy Quokka opened in Australia with a limited release in January 2021, distributed by Odin Eye's Entertainment. It was released in the United Kingdom on 2 July, making $72,971 in its opening week for a total of $146,172. It has a worldwide total of $174,186.[3]