Daigle House, also known as Revillon House or as La Maison Revillon, is a historic Creole cottage located at 1012 South Washington Street in Lafayette, Louisiana.
Built in Greek Revival style c.1880 by Jules Revillon, it is a five bay structure with a center entrance. It has a full front gallery featuring Doric posts with ogee molded capitals and a nearly full entablature. The front has two large dormers with pediments, pilasters and modest entablatures.[2]
The house was purchased by Sidney and Norma Daigle in 1924. It was purchased by George and Pat Bradley in 2004, and, in 2017, is used as a real estate firm's office.[3][note 1]
^The National Register listing gives the street address as 1022 South Washington St., which seems no longer to be correct. Downtown Lafayette gives 1021-B South Washington St. as its address in 2017. In 2018 the address seems to be 1012 South Washington St.