Scientific study of macromolecules
Cryo bio-crystallography is the application of crystallography to biological macromolecules at cryogenic temperatures.
Basic principles
Cryo crystallography enables X-ray data collection at cryogenic temperatures, typically 100 K.
- Crystals are transferred from the solution they have grown in (called mother liquor) to a solution with a cryo-protectant to prevent ice formation.
- Crystals are mounted in a glass fiber (as opposed to a capillary.)
- Crystals are cooled by dipping directly into liquid nitrogen and then placed in a cryo cold stream.
- Cryo cooled macromolecular crystals show reduced radiation damage by more than 70 times that at room temperature.
- Significant improvement of resolution in data collection
- Reduced or eliminated radiation damage in crystals
Usefulness and applications
Crystallography of large biological macromolecules can be achieved while maintaining their solution state. The best known example is the ribosome.[1]
Today, liquid nitrogen cryo cooling is used for protein crystallography at every synchrotron around the world. Radiation damaged is reduced by more than 70 fold at cryo temperatures. A recent review paper explains the development of reduced radiation damage in macromolecular crystals at Synchrotrons and describes how more than 90% of all structures deposited in the Protein Data Bank used cryo cooling in their determination.
2020 Haas, DJ. The early history of cryo-cooling for macromolecular crystallography (2020)
IUCrJ (2020). 7, 148–157.
1970 Haas, D.J., and Rossmann, M.G.
Crystallographic Studies on Lactate Dehydrogenase at -75 C. Acta Crystallogr. (1970), B26, 998.
See also